
Responsibility for exams

Guidance for schools, colleges and exam centres on who should enter students for exams and the support DfE is providing.

This publication was withdrawn on

This content is no longer current policy and you do not need to follow it.

Applies to England



This guidance is for:

  • school and college senior leaders, heads of exam centres
  • teachers, exams officers and other staff involved in exam delivery
  • local authorities and multi-academy trusts (MATs)

It sets out your responsibility for running exams.

‘Exam centre responsibility for students retaking qualifications from summer 2020 and 2021’ explains your responsibility for entering students for exams or alternative arrangements to exams and how the cost of fees will be covered.

DfE exam support service: autumn exam fees, sites and invigilators’ explains how you can use the service to book alternative sites, DBS-checked staff for invigilation and cover essential additional costs, where applicable.

If you are a student, you should contact your school or college to discuss entering exams.

Updates to this page

Published 22 May 2020
Last updated 1 April 2022 show all updates
  1. Removed the public health guidance to support exams for 2021 to 2022 as it has been withdrawn.

  2. Updated sections on testing positive or showing symptoms of COVID-19 and isolation in 'Public health guidance to support exams for 2021 to 2022' to reflect new public health guidance from 24 February.

  3. Updated to reflect the end of the asymptomatic testing programme. Reference made to UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) guidance on contact tracing and isolation which comes into effect from Thursday 24 February 2022.

  4. We have updated the 'Public health guidance to support exams for 2021 to 2022' to align with the Plan B announcement on 19 January 2022. This includes the removal of the recommendation to wear face coverings in communal areas from 27 January. We have also made housekeeping changes to streamline the guidance.

  5. Updated with information about an extension to the existing ESS arrangements to allow centres to claim additional invigilator costs in cases of staff absence for exams and assessments not previously eligible.

  6. Updated 'Public health guidance to support exams for 2021 to 2022' with changes to the advice on face coverings and brought the guidance on self-isolation arrangements in line with other government guidance.

  7. Updated the 'DfE exam support service: autumn 2021 exam fees, venues and invigilators' guidance to include that the claims service for DfE 2021 qualifications funding is now open.

  8. Updated the section on Tracing close contacts and isolation to reflect the changes to isolation rules in 'Public health guidance to support exams for 2021 to 2022'.

  9. We have added clarification on the use of face visors and face shields by those who are exempt from wearing face coverings.

  10. Updated guidance on face coverings, travel and quarantine to reflect new measures announced on 27 November 2021.

  11. Updated 'public health guidance to support exams for 2021 to 2022' to remove content related to summer term 2021 exams and add information on the exam support service for autumn exams (including spring 2022 VTQ exams).

  12. We have updated 'Exam centre responsibility for students retaking qualifications from summer 2020 and summer 2021' and 'DfE exam support service: autumn 2021 exam fees, venues and invigilators' guidance with autumn exam series information.

  13. Updated 'Public health guidance to support exams from January 2021' guidance. Updated Stepping measures up and down section - it refers to updated contingency framework. Updated Where candidates are isolating in line with public health advice in the Candidate health section - it reflects the self-isolation requirements from 16 August.

  14. Update to the Public health guidance to support exams from January 2021. The update sets out what will change for exams and assessments from the start of the autumn term following the commencement of Step 4.

  15. Updated 'Exam centre responsibility for students retaking qualifications from summer 2020 and summer 2021' and 'DfE exam support service: autumn 2021 exam fees, venues and invigilators'.

  16. We have updated the public health guidance for exams with advice that applies from Step 4, to reflect the updated advice for schools and further education providers. This guidance removes restrictions such as keeping students in consistent groups (bubbles) and wearing face coverings in classrooms and communal areas and on dedicated transport.

  17. Updated 'Public health guidance to support exams from January 2021' to reflect step 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown. The guidance on face coverings has been updated and information specific to the spring term 2021 has been removed.

  18. 'Exam centre responsibility for students retaking qualifications from summer 2020’ has been updated to explain responsibility for entering students for exams or alternative arrangements to exams and how the cost of fees will be covered.

  19. Updated 'Public health guidance to support exams from January 2021' to confirm the types of scheduled assessments that can still go ahead.

  20. Added information to 'Public health guidance to support exams from January 2021' about scheduled assessments in February and March.

  21. Updated the public health guidance to support exams from January 2021 to reflect that schools and colleges can continue with vocational and technical exams, where they judge it right to do so. This includes updates to the sections on the set up of the exam room, face coverings, maintaining distance between staff and candidates and where a candidate has a negative test.

  22. Updated public health guidance and school and college responsibility guidance for exams from January 2021 onwards.

  23. Added information about the support available for functional skills qualifications (FSQs).

  24. Updated information on public health arrangements for autumn exams to include information on autumn exam contingencies, candidate health and reasonable adjustments.

  25. Added 'Public health arrangements for autumn exams'.

  26. Updated responsibilities guidance with information about entering students for maths and English language GCSE and links to wider guidance for conducting exams. Added DfE exam support service guidance about paying for exam fees, booking alternative sites and booking exam invigilation.

  27. Updated key points and background sections.

  28. Updated guidance setting out the support that DfE is providing for autumn exams through the DfE Exam Support Service.

  29. First published.

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