Defined certificate of sponsorship: SMS manual 12
Use this step-by-step manual if you are a sponsor who is applying for a defined certificate of sponsorship (CoS)
Information on how to:
- apply for a defined CoS, including applying for a CoS based on a previous application
- view and withdraw an application awaiting a decision
- create and assign defined CoS
- view previously refused, withdrawn or rejected applications
Updates to this page
Updated to clarify defined CoS expiry time.
Screenshots in pdf version updated.
Updated screenshots of the sponsorship management system to reflect Immigration Rules changes.
Added accessible version.
Updated in line with changes to the Immigration Rules on 11 October 2021.
Guide updated to reflect changes to the Sponsor Management System on 24 May 2021 ahead of the launch of the Graduate Route in July.
Updated version of the guide published.
Updated guidance.
Updated guidance.
First published.