
Timeline for the approval of post-16 qualifications at level 2 for 2025

Updated 25 April 2024

This guidance was withdrawn on

Applies to England

This is the timeline for the approval process of qualifications submitted in cycle 1 of level 2 and below qualifications.

The information that follows is for awarding organisations. Use it alongside the guide to post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below.

Register your intention to submit a qualification

20 April to 5 June 2023

If you are considering submitting a level 2 qualification for funding approval, you need to:

  • register your intention to submit
  • confirm that the qualification you intend to submit is within your Ofqual scope of recognition to be regulated

More information is available in the awarding organisations: submitting qualifications for approval guidance.

Submit your proposal for an additional specialist technical qualification

19 May to 30 June 2023

If you are considering submitting a level 2 additional specialist technical qualification that is not on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education’s (IfATE) predefined list, you first need to submit a qualification proposal to IfATE.

More information is available in the awarding organisations: submitting qualifications for approval guidance.

Submit your qualification for approval

13 November to 24 November 2023

Refer to the awarding organisations: submitting qualifications for approval guidance for more information. It contains:

  • links to the Department for Education’s (DfE) 2025 to 2026 qualifications funding approval manual
  • IfATE’s published process and criteria for approval of level 2 technical qualifications
  • Ofqual’s regulations covering technical qualifications at level 2, which will be published by June 2023

Review of qualifications

Winter 2023 to spring 2024

Qualifications will be reviewed against the criteria in DfE’s 2025 to 2026 qualifications funding approval manual. As only technical qualifications at level 2 are included in cycle 1, they will also be reviewed against IfATE’s criteria. Ofqual will provide feedback to DfE and IfATE.

Update the Ofqual Register of Regulated Qualifications

27 May to 13 June 2024

As an awarding organisation, you must make sure you have completed all the information on Ofqual’s Register of Regulated Qualifications.

On 14 June 2024, DfE will download the information held on this register. Make sure you have updated the register by this date.

Approval decisions on technical qualifications

Summer 2024

IfATE will decide whether your qualification is approved as a technical qualification.

You will be issued with an approval decision that determines the eligibility of your technical qualification to be considered for public funding.

If a qualification is not approved in one of IfATE’s technical qualification categories and you disagree with how the final decision was reached, IfATE may review its decision-making process in certain circumstances. This is known as a procedural review.

Follow the guidance on IfATE’s procedural review page if you want to seek a review.

Approval decisions on funding

31 July 2024

DfE will review qualifications against the funding approval criteria. The DfE funding approval decision is independent from:

  • Ofqual’s recognition of awarding organisations and regulation of qualifications
  • IfATE’s decision to approve technical qualifications

If a level 2 technical qualification is not approved for funding, you may be able to ask DfE to review the outcome on the basis that the funding approval criteria has not been correctly applied. Refer to the qualifications funding approval manual: from August 2025 for further details.

Qualifications with funding approval

30 September 2024

Level 2 qualifications that are approved for 2025 to 2026 funding will be published on the list of qualifications approved for funding.

Funding approval starts and removals

1 August 2025

Delivery for qualifications approved for funding begins on 1 August 2025. Funding approval will be removed from qualifications not approved.

Level 2 qualifications that support progression to employment will have their funding approval removed unless they have been approved through or exempted from this process. This applies to the following sector subject areas:

  • child development and well-being
  • health and social care
  • science
  • medicine and dentistry
  • nursing, and subjects and vocations allied to medicine
  • building and construction
  • engineering

Qualifications exempted from the process are:

  • GCSEs
  • functional skills qualifications (FSQs) in English and maths
  • Higher Project qualifications
  • performing arts graded exams