UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy
Guidance on preparing for and responding to an influenza pandemic.
These updated scientific evidence base reviews cover The Use of Antivirals in an influenza pandemic, The Impact of Mass Gatherings on an influenza pandemic, The Use of Facemasks and Respirators during an Influenza Pandemic and The Impact of school closures on an influenza pandemic. They were commissioned by the Department of Health and undertaken by Public Health England. These reviews update and supplement the previous reviews undertaken in 2011 and continue to underpin the UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011.
Supporting documents underpinning the UK influenza pandemic preparedness strategy
Please note: the documents below are for print purposes only, as they have not been fully tagged for purposes of accessibility
- Download Scientific summary of pandemic influenza and its mitigation (PDF, 530K)
- Download Routes of transmission of the influenza virus (PDF, 1228K)
- Download Use of antivirals in an influenza pandemic (PDF, 836K)
- Download Use of antibiotics in an influenza pandemic (PDF, 153K)
- Download Use of vaccines against pandemic influenza (PDF, 278K)
- Download The use of facemasks and respirators in an influenza pandemic (PDF, 417K)
- Download Impact of school closure on an influenza pandemic (PDF, 978K)
- Download Impact of mass gatherings on an influenza pandemic (PDF, 464K)
- Download Demographic and attitudinal determinants of protective behaviours during a pandemic (PDF, 246K)
- Download Healthcare workers willingness to work during a pandemic (PDF, 232K)
- Download Factors associated with uptake of vaccination against pandemic influenza (PDF, 502K)
- Download Respiratory and hand hygiene in an influenza pandemic (PDF, 327K)
- Download Principles of effective communication (PDF, 98K)
- Download The National Pandemic Flu Service: an evaluation (PDF, 127K)
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Updates to this page
Updated documents: The Use of Antivirals in an influenza pandemic, The Impact of Mass Gatherings on an influenza pandemic, The Use of Facemasks and Respirators during an Influenza Pandemic and The Impact of school closures on an influenza pandemic.
First published.