Review of the UK funds regime: a call for input
The government is publishing a summary of the responses to the call for input, its conclusions, and which measures will be explored further. The government welcomes further representations and engagement from industry.
At Budget 2020, the government announced that it would carry out a review of the UK funds regime, covering tax and relevant areas of regulation. The call for input set out the scope and objectives of the review, and invited stakeholders to provide views on which reforms should be taken forward and how these should be prioritised.
Following the call for input, the government has published a summary of responses. As well as outlining the feedback the government received for each area of the call for input, this document sets out the government’s conclusions and which measures will be progressed or explored further. The government welcomes further representations and engagement from industry.
As part of the wider UK funds regime review, the FCA have introduced rules for Long-Term Asset Funds (LTAFs) and the government has included legislation for a new tax regime for Asset Holding Companies (AHCs) in Finance Bill 2021-2022.