School teachers’ pay and conditions: guidance
Guidance to help schools and governance boards develop their approach to teachers' and school leaders' pay.
Applies to England
This is for:
- school leaders
- school teachers
- governance boards
- multi-academy trusts
- local authorities
- trade unions
It applies to all maintained schools and academies.
It will help schools:
- set school leaders’ pay
- reduce workload in the pay and appraisal process
- manage performance-related pay progression
- meet their equalities responsibilities
- use appropriate evidence when making appraisal and pay decisions
- manage pay decision appeals
Updates to this page
Added, 'Managing teachers’ and leaders’ pay'.
Replaced 'Implementing your school’s approach to pay' document with 2023 updated version.
The document 'Implementing your school's approach to pay: guidance for maintained schools and local authorities' has been updated. The updates correct 2 references to protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and highlight the use of national professional qualifications.
Replaced 'Implementing your school’s approach to pay' document with 2019 updated version.
Updated the document to reflect changes in school teachers’ pay and conditions in 2018.
Updated the document to reflect changes in school teachers’ pay and conditions in 2017.
Added Welsh version of 2016 guidance on implementing your school's approach to pay.
Updated the document to reflect changes in school teachers’ pay and conditions in 2016.
Added a Welsh version of the document.
Expanded on the definition of 'significant change' in relation to new appointments.
Added Welsh translation.
Updated departmental advice to reflect the 2015 school teachers’ pay and conditions document. Incorporated the previously separate 'HR practice in relation to teachers' pay' document.
Added the document 'HR practice in relation to teachers' pay'.
Added Welsh version of the guidance document.
Updated departmental advice to reflect the 2014 school teachers’ pay and conditions document.
Added Welsh version of 'Changes to school teachers' pay and conditions 2014' departmental advice document.
Added 3 more resources about pay determinations.
Added additional document 'Changes to school teachers' pay and conditions 2014'.
First published.