Rhif y Daliad (CPH): Cais cofrestru newydd
Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon i gofrestru manylion rhif Daliad (CPH) newydd i'r System Olrhain Gwartheg â Gwasanaeth Symud Gwartheg Prydain (GSGP), neu i ailagor CPH sy'n bodoli eisoes.
Applies to England and Wales
E-bostiwch y ffurflen wedi’i chwblhau i bcmsenquiries@rpa.gov.uk. Defnyddiwch ‘Ffurflen gais i gofrestru daliad newydd’ fel pennawd eich e-bost.
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Published 13 August 2020Last updated 22 November 2021 + show all updates
New version of form (v2.0) uploaded.
This form is now only for keepers in England and Wales.
First published.