Right to rent document checks: a user guide
Guidance for landlords and tenants on how right to rent checks should be carried out and which documents are acceptable.
The adjustments to right to rent checks introduced on 30 March 2020 as part of the response to COVID-19, ended on 30 September 2022. See guidance about the adjusted process.
As of 1 October 2022, landlords must carry out the prescribed checks set out in this guidance.
This guidance provides landlords with information about the rules for document checks, examples of acceptable documents and frequently asked questions.
Landlords will also be able to find information on:
- checking the validity of documents
- retaining evidence
- what you can do if you do not have standard identity documents
Updates to this page
Added Easy Read version of guidance.
Adjustments to right to rent checks introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic ended on 30 September 2022.
Updated information about adjusted online checks.
There are updates in the user guide about the ending of the temporary adjusted checks.
Updated information for landlords carrying out right to work checks from 1 October.
Updated guidance published, changes are detailed on page 3.
This guidance is being updated and will be available soon.
Added accessible HTML version.
Updated information relating to the way in which those with outstanding EUSS applications evidence their right to rent.
Withdrawn out of date guidance.
Updated guidance due to legislation change.
Because of coronavirus (COVID-19) there are temporary changes to the way you can check documents. Added a link to guidance about the adjusted process.
Updated guidance
Updated guidance.
First published.