Rights of way: order making authority checklist
When an order making authority submits an order for determination, they also need to provide a number of supporting documents.
Applies to England
Without the supporting documents we may not be able to proceed, also included is a helpful hints for local authorities supporting document.
Updates to this page
Checklist for order making authorities updated to remove 'Note 4 – Notified Parties'
added to the checklist: Please include email addresses for each party where you have them to support electronic communication as default.
Documents required by the Planning Inspectorate: please read the guidance notes before completing the checklist and Checklist for order making authorities updated to make reference to the new AI guidance
Guidance notes and checklist updated
Document updated in line with new accessibility regulations
Checklist for Order Making Authorities updated
Checklist updated
Rights of Way OMA Checklist updated to include instructions for electronic submission of orders.
This document has been updated to include a request to authorities to try and maintain a pdf copy of their submission bundle. This is so that it is easily available in the event that a request for a copy of it is made by one of the parties.
Helpful Hints document updated
First published.