Risk assessment methodology: early career framework and national professional qualifications
The risk assessment process that Ofsted uses to assist in scheduling inspections of early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) programmes.
Applies to England
This risk assessment is used to ensure that our approach to inspection is proportionate and to focus our efforts where they can have the greatest impact. We will apply the methodology described here for all early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) inspections, with the exception of initial lead provider monitoring visits (LPMVs), which must take place within the first 12 months of course delivery.
You can find out more about our approach in the early career framework and national professional qualification inspection framework and handbook.
We will update this note annually.
Updates to this page
The ‘Introduction’ section has been updated to detail what a full inspection entails. The ‘Risk assessment’ section has been updated to reflect the factors determining the timing of an inspection. The ‘Analysing eligible lead providers’ section has been updated to provide clarity on the 5 factors. Finally, a new section on ‘additional risk information’ has been added to provide clarity on what is taken into account when making decisions.
'Introduction' section updated with guidance for providers delivering one or more additional NPQ programme(s). 'Analysing eligible lead providers' section updated with additional risk assessment factor and updated data sources used to inform risk score decisions.
First published.