
Hay and straw: risk categories for imports from the EU to GB

Updated 26 March 2025

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

Hay and straw imported from the EU is categorised as medium risk under the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM).

Inspection rates listed in the table are for both identity (ID) checks and physical checks, unless otherwise specified. Imports are also subject to documentary checks. As standard, commodities categorised as high or medium risk are subject to 100% documentary checks. Low risk commodities are not subject to routine documentary checks.

Medium risk commodities are subject to inspection rates between 1% and 30%.

The inspection rate depends on the commodity being imported and the country it’s being imported from. There are 3 levels within medium risk that determine the inspection rate. These are:

  • M1: consequence of non-compliance with import conditions is likely to be manageable or acceptable (baseline inspection rate 1%) 
  • M2: consequence of non-compliance with import conditions could pose a significant risk to public or animal health (baseline inspection rate between 10% and 15%) 
  • M3: consequence of non-compliance with import conditions is likely to pose a significant risk to biosecurity or public health (baseline inspection rate 30%) 

Commodities may be moved into higher or lower BTOM risk categories to reflect changing levels of risk.

1. Hay and straw

Commodity BTOM risk category Inspection rate
Hay and straw Medium 15% (inspection rate medium M2)

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