
Corporate accommodation tariff 2024 to 2025

Updated 27 September 2024

Applies to England


There is a charge increase of 2% for the year ending 28 September 2025.

This tariff applies to all licences granted to corporate bodies of any kind, for example:

  • commercial companies
  • hotels
  • schools
  • yacht clubs
  • youth groups
  • residents’ associations
Accommodation type Standard annual charge (£) Minimum charge per item (£)
Staging, steps, gangway, catwalk, framework, pontoon, boathouse, or other enclosure of river space (per square metre) 10.66 113.67
plus linear metre of mooring or landing edge thereto (per metre) 9.53  
Off shore mooring piles or buoys (per metre - charged according to linear metres of moorings run accommodated) 9.53 113.67
Rubbing posts, booms or miscellaneous piles 36.93 n/a
Slipways and footbridges 85.23 n/a

Externally assessed valuation

Riverside hotels, bars and restaurants: If a public service seating area is permitted on the accommodation, the commercial area is surcharged according to a valuation obtained by the Environment Agency from an external assessor.

Chain ferries are subject to an externally assessed valuation.

Where an external assessor is required, the assessor fee will be charged to the customer.


Additional landowners licence fee of 50% where the riverbed is owned by the Environment Agency or the Crown Estate at Hampton (for whom the Environment Agency acts as agent).

Additional landowners licence fee of 100% where both the riverbed and the bank are owned by the Environment Agency or the Crown Estate at Hampton.

We are currently reviewing how we issue licences for structures on our riverbank and riverbed land. This review may affect how you are invoiced for your licence and what documents you receive from us. It will not affect the published tariffs.

Over the next year, we will be reviewing our tariffs for all structures over the river, as well as how we charge for use of our riverbank and riverbed land. You will be contacted about any changes we make before they come into effect.

Discount of 25% where the accommodation is agreed to be educational or sporting in nature. For example, where the accommodation is for the benefit of a:

  • school
  • youth group
  • rowing club

If more than one adjustment applies, the value of each is calculated following each new subtotal.

Minimum total charge

As well as a minimum charge per item, there is also a minimum total charge for each licence after taking into account any adjustments.

The minimum total charge is currently £113.67 for accommodations that are educational or sporting in nature and £181.85 for all others.

Administration fee

You will need to pay an administration fee if you get a new accommodation licence. This contributes towards our legal and surveying costs in setting up the licence. Most issues prove straightforward in which case a standard contribution of £59.25 is payable.