River Wey: weirs refurbishment scheme
Information of the weir refurbishment and fish pass scheme on the River Wey.
The £12.8 million River Wey weirs refurbishment and fish pass scheme is a complementary project to other schemes. It will improve both the design life of the River Wey Improvement Scheme weirs and the health and safety of the weir operators and public. The scheme has constructed all but one of the structural replacement works and repairs programmed for 7 priority weirs and fish passes between 2018 and 2023.
This scheme has maintained reduced flood risk for:
- 376 residential properties
- 236 non-residential properties
- 4 roads, including 2 A-roads
In this case these are at risk from in a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event.
The project will open up 47km of river to fish and eel passage. It will also allow passage to the River Wey from the River Thames for the first time in centuries.
The Wey weirs refurbishment and fish pass scheme is working alongside the Environment Agency’s River Wey Fishpass and Wetland Delivery (FWD) Project.
Together, these fish pass projects plan to open up to 100km of river and create much needed additional wetland habitat.