Rosebank Field Development
Project Summary
Rosebank Field Development - Equinor UK Limited - 2022 - ES/2022/001 - Determined
Key Dates
- Date Environmental Statement received by the department - 03/08/2022
- Public notice commencement date - 12/08/2022
- Public notice closing date - 16/09/2022
- Further information public notice commencement date - N/A
- Further information public notice closing date - N/A
Environmental Statement & associated documents
- Summary of the Project - Received Date 03/08/2022
- Environmental Statement - Received Date 03/08/2022
- Public Notice - Received Date 12/08/2022 & 17/08/2022
- Replacement Public Notice – N/A
Further Information
- Secretary of State request for provision of further information - 09/12/2022 and 15/02/2023
- Developer response to Secretary of State request for provision of further information - 23/12/2022 and 28/02/2023
- Further information public notice - N/A
Decision made by the Secretary of State
- Secretary of State notice under Regulation 16(1) - 28/09/2023
- Secretary of State decision to agree to or refuse to agree to the OGA granting of consent - Letter to the developer - 16/06/2023
- Secretary of State decision to agree to or refuse to agree to the OGA granting of consent – 15/06/2023
Updates to this page
Rosebank Field Development decision documents uploaded, and relevant dates entered under details.
Further Information: Confirmation that response received from developer to Regulation 12(1) letter.
Further information request notice in relation to the proposed Rosebank development, sent to Equinor UK Limited on 15/02/2023
Further Information: Confirmation that response received from developer to Regulation 12(1) letter.
Addition of further information request notice in relation to the proposed Rosebank development sent to Equinor UK Limited on 9-12-22 and located here:
Rosebank ES public notice documents uploaded
Submission of Rosebank Environmental Statement and Public Notice
First published.