RPC case histories - Small & Micro Business Assessment, August 2019
This is the RPC's case histories section on the Small and Micro Business Assessment (SaMBA), updated August 2019.
A Small and Micro Business Assessment (SaMBA) forms part of the impact assessment, and is a requirement for larger domestic regulatory proposals. The SaMBA helps to ensure that a robust and evidence-based analysis is conducted to assess the impacts of a regulatory proposal on small and micro businesses (SMBs).
This section of case histories sets out the recommended steps that departments should take, when carrying out a SaMBA, and indicates the type of evidence and analysis that the RPC will be looking for in its scrutiny. This updated section incorporates the RPC’s, previously separate, guidance on SaMBAs. This includes an easy to follow flow chart which covers the key stages recommended when carrying out a SaMBA, and checklist tool to help policy teams produce a high-quality SaMBA. This document also includes more recent examples of cases the RPC has seen for scrutiny, including examples such as waste management and the national minimum wage.