Transparency data

RSH Board minutes - 22 October 2019

Updated 4 February 2020

Applies to England

PUBLIC MINUTES of the RSH Board meeting

on Tuesday 22 October 2019 at 0930, FG47, 2 Marsham Street, London


  • Simon Dow - Interim Chair
  • Liz Butler
  • Paul Smee
  • Richard Hughes
  • Ceri Richards
  • Jo Boaden
  • Deborah Gregory
  • Fiona MacGregor - Chief Executive

In attendance

  • Jonathan Walters - Deputy Chief Executive
  • Maxine Loftus - Interim Director Regulatory Operations
  • Will Perry - Director, Strategy
  • Harold Brown - Senior Assistant Director, Investigation and Enforcement
  • Emma Tarran - Assistant Director, Head of Legal Services and Company Secretary
  • Jim Bennett - Assistant Director, Regulatory Strategy – for item 8
  • Sandy Pacek - Head of Performance Management - for item 9
  • James Dunbar - Head of Finance - for item 10
  • Chris Kitchen – Minutes

1. Welcome and apologies

01/10/19 There were no apologies from board members. Mick Warner and Richard Peden (executive officers) were absent.

2. Declarations of Interest

02/10/19 PS declared that he has been appointed as Chair, Money Advice Liaison Group and to the Council, British School of Archaeology at Athens. His previous declaration of a member of family working for an RP is no longer applicable.

3. Minutes of the last meeting – 24 September 2019

03/10/19 The confidential minutes and the public minutes of the last meeting were AGREED subject to minor amendments.

4. Matters Arising

04/10/19 Members noted the updates to the actions from previous meetings.

5. Forward Planner

06/10/19 Members NOTED the forward planner. There was a discussion about future workshops and these will be added to the forward planner for the next meeting. CK

6. Chief Executive update

Policy Updates

Queen’s Speech

07/10/19 CEO outlined the points in the speech relating to housing. There will be a new Building Safety Regulator and a need for new build developers to be members of a New Homes Ombudsman which is yet to be established.

Right to shared ownership

08/10/19 CEO gave members an overview of the plans confirmed by the SoS on right to shared ownership. The sector and commentators have raised points about the impact of the policy on financing in relation to loan security although both HAs and the NHF remain supportive of shared ownership.

Brexit and contingency planning

09/10/19 We are engaging as required with MHCLG on their contingency planning for Brexit. Financially, providers forecasts suggest that for the most part, they are in a sound position to withstand potential shocks from Brexit, but there remains uncertainty about the extent of potential practical impacts (e.g. the availability of building supplies).

Green Paper

10/10/19 Engagement with MHCLG continues. The timing and outcome of decisions is not yet settled. Members were given assurance that they will be kept updated once any further information is known.


11/10/19 The Budget announcement had been due on 6 November but is no longer proceeding.

RSH Pay award

12/10/19 CEO advised members that the Nominations and Governance Committee had in August considered the rationale for a 2% pay award for RSH staff which was the maximum permitted within the Cabinet Service guidance.

14/10/19 It was AGREED that management would respond to Unite. CEO thanked members for their input and support.


15/10/19 Members NOTED that there had been no new registrations, and one compulsory de-registration.

Grenfell Tower Fire ad Public Inquiry

16/10/19 JB gave members an update on the progress with Phase 1 of the inquiry, the report for which is expected for publication on 30 October 2019.

17/10/19 Phase 2 hearings are expected to start at the end of January 2020.

Stakeholder Survey

18/10/19 Members NOTED the outcome of the survey which had received a higher response rate than last year and included response from tenants and tenant representative bodies. The results achieved an 88% response to the question that the Regulator takes appropriate action in response to referrals. The breakdown of respondents was 50% large, 20% smalls and 30% other stakeholders. It was AGREED that the results would be published on the website as a slide pack and would be shared with the Board. JB

Stakeholder engagement

19/10/19 The CEO advised members that there has been an increase in the level of engagement and speaking opportunities with LAs and ALMOs and we are currently in the middle of the quarterly stakeholder engagement meetings. Members NOTED the forward look.


20/10/19 Members NOTED the increase in the number of RSH publications and those that are due in the next month.


21/10/19 There has been good coverage of the SDR and SRP. The Chair had his IH column published and the RSH sessions at the NHF summit had been well covered.

7. Feedback from Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) meeting

22/10/19 The Chair of ARAC reported on the ARAC meeting. She reported that the committee had considered the Strategic Risk Register (SRR). The reasons for the scores were discussed and committee were content that they reflected the current position and were appropriate for the risks.

23/10/19 Committee had received a very informative paper on assurance in planned engagement in the organisation and suggested that it would be a good topic for a board workshop. It was AGREED that the paper would be shared with members. CK

24/10/19 The Internal Audit reports on the three 2018-19 reviews had all given a substantial assurance rating. IA team had confirmed that they had good confidence in the understanding of risk in the organisation and the 2019-20 reviews had been confirmed and included some areas requested by the CEO. The board chair thanked the committee for their continued oversight of ARAC matters.

8. Amendments to Board and Committee Terms of Reference

25/10/19 ERT presented the paper which members had read and NOTED the amendments to the ToR proposed. The changes proposed dealt with matters of practice based on the first year’s experience of operation and members unanimously AGREED all the changes and AGREED to adopt the documents as annexed to the paper.

9. Performance and Risk Report

27/10/19 SP joined the meeting via teleconference. Members confirmed they had read the cover report. Members were given assurance that the issues around the provision of capacity and recruitment data from the HE HR team are being picked up by our own HR team.

28/10/19 The Learning and Development amber rating is a result of one particular course affecting the overall rating and this is being addressed. The accommodation situation at the Leeds office is being managed and staff are co-operating with the reduced number of desks available.

29/10/19 The development of staff policies are being developed, but at slower pace.

30/10/19 Use of social media: CEO confirmed to members the need for caution with using social media.

10. Finance and Corporate Services Update

31/10/19 JD joined the meeting via teleconference. CEO presented the paper.

32/10/19 An amendment to the scheme of financial delegations is required. Members considered the information set out in paras 13 and 14 of the paper and AGREED the changes to the delegations and AGREED delegation to CEO and ERT to finalise the wording.

33/10/19 Members NOTED the overview of programmes and projects underway in the organisation. Some of these are nearing completion and will transfer into business as usual. It was AGREED that the board would get updates on:

  • Lease Based Providers and
  • MAP closure report WP

11. Investigation and Enforcement update

34/10/19 HB introduced the paper and provided further updates on some of the intensive regulatory engagement cases.

  • Inclusion
  • Green Park
  • Expectations

Lease Based Providers update


39/10/19 Members NOTED the updates on the other consumer regulation cases.

12. Operations Update

42/10/19 ML presented the paper which members had read. There have been seven judgments published since the last report to Board and members NOTED the updates.

IDA programme

43/10/19 232 IDAs have been completed which is in line with the IDA programme target. Members congratulated the team on this achievement.

Merger Activity

44/10/19 The merger activity as set out in the paper was NOTED.

13. Any Other Business

45/10/19 There was none.