RSH Board minutes – 26 February 2019
Updated 4 February 2020
Applies to England
PUBLIC MINUTES of the RSH Board meeting
on Tuesday 26 February 2019 at 0930, FG47, 2 Marsham Street, London
- Simon Dow - Interim Chair
- Liz Butler
- Paul Smee
- Richard Hughes
- Ceri Richards
- Fiona MacGregor - Chief Executive
In attendance
- Jonathan Walters - Deputy Chief Executive
- Mick Warner - Deputy Director, Finance and Corporate Services
- Richard Peden - Deputy Director, Provider Engagement
- Harold Brown - Senior Assistant Director, Investigation and Enforcement
- Emma Tarran - Assistant Director, Head of Legal Services and Company Secretary
- Jim Bennett - Assistant Director, Regulatory Strategy – for item 7
- Daniel Morris – Minutes
1. Welcome and apologies
01/02/19 There were apologies from Richard Moriarty.
2. Declarations of Interest
02/02/19 There were no new declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of the last meeting – 22 January 2019
03/02/19 The confidential minutes and the public minutes of the last meeting were AGREED subject to a few minor amendments.
4. Matters Arising
04/02/19 Actions from the meeting on 22 January: 05/01/19, 15/01/19, 20/01/19, 21/01/19, 22/01/19, 33/01/19, 57/01/19 were addressed in the papers for review at the meeting.
Actions from the meeting on 27 November: 34/11/18 was addressed in item 8 of the agenda.
5. Forward Planner
05/02/19 Members NOTED the forward look. It was confirmed that an update on Structure and Staffing would be brought to the March meeting. JW
06/02/19 Members NOTED that Internal Audit would be present to observe the Board meeting in March and that Jeremy Pocklington, Director General Housing MHCLG, would attend a future Board meeting. Members agreed that this would ideally be in April or May, subject to diaries. FM
6. Chief Executive update
Policy Update
2020 Rent Regime
08/02/19 Members were advised that the decision statement from MHCLG following the consultation on the rent direction is due to be published today. Members NOTED that RSH will be writing to LA Chief Executives next week to outline next steps and encourage participation in our voluntary data collection pilot scheme in May.
Spending Review
09/02/19 Members NOTED that no date has been advised for the SR and that RSH is liaising with MHCLG about various proposals being put forward and speaking with stakeholders about SR priorities.
Hackitt Review
Health and Safety Regulator
11/02/19 Members asked about whether an overarching H&S Regulator will be set up. Members were informed that there is a proposition for a joint competent authority covering building safety compliance in higher risk residential buildings. The consultation is considering the types of buildings which will be in scope; the indication is that the JCA will be a cross-tenure body rather than focused on the Social Housing sector.
Government Meetings
12/02/19 Accounting Officer Meeting FM reported to Members that the first formal AO meeting with Jeremy Pocklington, has taken place.
13/02/19 Members NOTED that the AO meeting discussed the draft Corporate Plan and next steps in reaching a final draft ready for sign off.
Ministerial Meeting
15/02/19 Members NOTED a constructive meeting with Kit Malthouse MP, Housing Minister. The discussion had focused on housing supply and ownership and the capacity and stability of the sector in the event of a downturn.
Dispatches programme
16/02/19 Members were given a verbal update on a potential upcoming Dispatches programme.
Meeting with Homes England
17/02/19 SD and FM had met with Nick Walkley and Sir Ed Lister from Homes England on the 19 February to discuss a range of issues.
Letter from the National Audit Office
18/02/19 FM informed members that a Letter of Understanding has been received from the NAO. FM informed Members that she will pass this to the Audit and Risk Committee for information. FM
19/02/19 Members NOTED the information about recent registration applications.
Performance – January 2018/19
20/02/19 Members NOTED the update.
Grenfell Tower Fire and Public Inquiry
21/02/19 Members NOTED that the report from Phase One of the Inquiry is expected after Easter and that some actions have already been confirmed before Phase Two such as a ban on the use of combustible cladding.
Stakeholder Engagement
22/02/19 Members were briefed on RSH stakeholder engagement and received feedback that Brexit and Lease Based Providers have been regularly raised in discussions by stakeholders in engagement sessions.
Media Coverage
23/02/19 Members NOTED that Shelter’s report had a lot of media attention largely focused on proposed supply figures. Members NOTED that RSH Chairs’ Events are planned in late April and early May in London, Manchester and Birmingham with London confirmed for the 30 April and the other dates to be confirmed and circulated to Members in due course.
24/02/19 Members NOTED the recent RSH publications. A key upcoming publication is the Quarterly Survey which will contain figures showing an increase in the number of unsold homes. The picture is nuanced given the increase in the number of completions, and the relative concentration of outright sale among providers experienced in this market.
7. Draft RSH Corporate Plan 2019-22
25/02/19 Members reviewed the updated corporate plan, and NOTED that staff engagement on the plan has produced very positive feedback with an acknowledgement that it would be important to keep resourcing under review. Members NOTED that progress on the Business Plan has allowed a high-level summary to be included in the Corporate Plan.
26/02/19 Members were informed that MW and JB had met with MHCLG officials to discuss the plan and that their feedback was positive.
27/02/19 Members discussed the proposed changes and AGREED to the recommended alterations.
29/02/19 Members AGREED to the changes discussed and AGREED that the final version should be circulated to the Chair only for information before it goes to MHCLG. JB
8. Finance and Corporate Services Update
30/02/19 Members NOTED the finance report.
31/02/19 Members discussed the Sector Risk Register (SRR) and AGREED it was right to regularly review the effectiveness of financial controls. Members were informed the SRR would be coming to ARAC in April for review. Members APPROVED the revised SRR.
32/02/19 Members NOTED that a paper on the Procurement Policy would be coming to Board in March. MW
33/02/19 Members NOTED the Compliance Review. Members also NOTED that no health and safety incidents had been reported but received assurances that the work of the RSH involves relatively little risk of health and safety incidents and that staff had been reminded in January to report any incidents which occur.
9. Operations Update
34/02/19 Members NOTED the report. Members were advised that the IDA programme was on target and NOTED the list of mergers. Members were pleased to note that the planned IDA programme continued to be on track.
10. Investigation and Enforcement Update
36/02/19 Members NOTED the paper. Members enquired about the reports in the press that the Man Group PLC, was seeking to register a new provider.
Intensive regulatory engagement cases
38/02/19 Members NOTED the cases listed in the paper.
Lease Based Providers Update
Gradings Under Review
40/02/19 Ongo Homes Limited: Members discussed the Regulatory Judgement that was published on 21 February.
Consumer Regulation
42/02/19 The cases listed in the annex were NOTED.
11. Any Other Business
43/02/19 None.