Research and analysis

Stakeholder survey results 2022 (accessible version)

Published 11 August 2022

Applies to England


The Regulator of Social Housing has carried out a stakeholder survey, with fieldwork completed in March and April 2022.

We have sought the views of registered providers and other stakeholders on a range of issues.

Our last stakeholder survey was published in 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we did not conduct a survey in 2021.

In 2022 we changed the methodology we use in our survey to better reflect best practice. This included the addition of ‘neutral’ or ‘don’t know’ options for questions with choice scales.

As a result of these changes to the methodology, it is not possible to make direct comparisons between these data and those received in previous years.

We will use the results to inform

  • our performance monitoring
  • continuous development of our operational approach
  • our corporate planning

Key findings

The number of responses was slightly higher than in 2020, but the types of organisations responding were broadly similar, with the majority being registered providers. We have seen a significant increase in the number of tenants responding compared to 2020.

The results remain positive, with at least 80% of respondents agreeing that:

  • The regulatory framework and our approach to regulation are consistent with our objectives on economic regulation.

  • They are aware of the regulator’s proposed high-level approach to implementing the regulatory changes outlined in the Social Housing White Paper.

  • Our approach to regulation is risk-based and assurance-based.

  • The regulator meets its objectives to be proportionate and minimise interference.

  • They are clear about any information and / or evidence that they are asked to provide by the regulator.

  • Our regulatory staff are knowledgeable about the nature and complexity of the sector.

79% of respondents agreed that:

  • The regulator’s risk-based and assurance-based approach is reflected in their experience of being a regulated RP or how they understand RPs are regulated.
  • The regulator’s approach is co-regulatory.
  • The regulator takes action where possible to ensure that confidence in the sector is maintained, and access to finance on competitive terms continues.

78% of respondents found RSH publications very or somewhat useful.

77% agreed that the regulatory framework and our approach to regulation are consistent with our current objectives on consumer regulation.

76% said they were very or somewhat confident that the regulator will deliver the regulatory changes outlined in the Social Housing White Paper.

71% agreed that the regulator takes appropriate action in line with its current remit in response to referrals where the regulator finds consumer standards have been breached and tenants, or potential tenants, have been at significant risk of serious detriment.

Direct contact by letter or email remains by far the communication method preferred by stakeholders, with the website second and stakeholder events third.


409 stakeholders completed the survey, 43 more than in 2020.

330 (81%) of respondents were registered providers, including local authority registered providers, compared to 92% in 2020. 32 individual tenants completed the survey.

Other stakeholders who responded include: lenders, investors, or credit rating agencies, government departments, individual tenants, tenant organisations, and trade bodies.

Which of these stakeholder groups best describes your organisation? Responses Proportion of responses
Large Private Registered Provider 160 39%
Small Private Registered Provider 142 35%
Local Authority Registered Provider 28 7%
Lender, investor or credit rating agency 14 3%
Government department 13 3%
Individual tenant 32 8%
Tenant organisation 12 3%
Trade body 4 1%
Other 4 1%
Stakeholder group number or responses
Large Private Registered Provider 160
Small Private Registered Provider 142
Local Authority Registered Provider 28
Lender, investor or credit rating agency 14
Government department 13
Individual tenant 32
Tenant organisation 12
Trade body 4
Other 4

Profile of registered provider respondents

Of the registered providers that responded, 160 were large private registered providers (>1,000 units), and 142 were small PRPs (<1,000 units).

28 responses were from local authority registered providers. This is similar to 2020 when 25 responses were received from local authority registered providers. For the first time, we have separated out LA registered provider results in our analysis.

72% of provider respondents classified themselves as housing associations.
12 for-profit providers responded (13 in 2020), 4% of the total number of respondents.

How many units does your provider own

Number of units Total providers
<1000 units 142
1000-9999 units 91
10000-29999 units 37
30000-49999 units 20
50000+ units 12
Local authority 28

Section 1 - Regulatory Framework

Question 4: To what extent do you agree that:

Response % Strongly agree % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly disagree
a. the regulator’s approach is co-regulatory 26 53 16 4 1
b. the regulator meets its objectives to be proportionate and minimise interference 28 53 14 4 1
c. the regulatory framework and our approach to regulation are consistent with our objectives on economic regulation 27 55 16 2 1
d. the regulatory framework and our approach to regulation are consistent with our current objectives on consumer regulation 21 56 18 4 0
Overall 25 54 16 4 1

Overall, 79% of respondents agreed with these statements, with only 5% disagreeing.

Section 2 - Delivery and Practice

Question 5: To what extent do you agree that:

Response % Strongly agree % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly disagree
a. our approach to regulation is risk-based and assurance-based? 29 55 13 2 1
b. this approach is reflected in your experience of being a regulated RP or how you understand RPs are regulated? 28 51 17 2 1
Overall 29 53 15 2 1

Overall, 82% of respondents agreed with these statements.

Question 5 by stakeholder group

Group % Strongly agree % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly disagree
Small PRP 20 56 21 2 1
Large PRP 44 46 6 2 2
LARP 11 77 13 0 0
Other 19 54 23 4 1

Question 7: How clear are you about any information and/or evidence you are asked to provide by the Regulator of Social Housing and why?

Overall, 81% of respondents were very or somewhat clear about the information or evidence requested and only 8% stated it was not clear. This includes responses received from other stakeholders who may not receive regular requests for information. This is reflected in the large (29%) “neutral” response from other stakeholders.

Question 7 by stakeholder group

Group % Very clear % Somewhat clear % Neutral % Not very clear % Not clear at all
Small PRP 46 32 11 8 1
Large PRP 63 29 4 1 3
LARP 32 54 11 4 0
Other 25 34 29 12 1
Overall 48 33 12 6 2

Question 8: From engaging with our regulatory staff, how knowledgeable are they about the nature and complexity of the sector?

81% of respondents agreed that the regulator’s staff are knowledgeable about the complexity of the sector. This is up slightly from 79% in 2020 (where the response scale was the same).

This includes responses received from other stakeholders who may not have regular interaction with the regulator’s staff. This is reflected in the large (29%) “neutral” response from other stakeholders.

Question 8 by stakeholder group

Group % Very knowledgeable % Somewhat knowledgeable % Neutral % Requires improvement
Small PRP 42 32 16 10
Large PRP 59 31 3 6
LARP 57 30 13 0
Other 38 29 29 3
Overall 50 31 13 7

Section 3 - The regulator

Question 10: Please indicate how useful you find the following publications:

Publication All Useful Very useful Somewhat useful Neutral Not very useful Not useful at all
Annual Report 72% 29% 43% 23% 3% 2%
Codes of Practice 90% 53% 37% 7% 2% 1%
Consumer Regulation Review 84% 46% 38% 13% 2% 1%
Fees Statement 54% 18% 37% 38% 4% 3%
Global Accounts 66% 39% 28% 27% 5% 2%
Quarterly Survey 75% 31% 44% 20% 3% 2%
Regulating the Standards 89% 56% 33% 8% 2% 1%
Regulatory judgements / notices 84% 48% 36% 12% 3% 1%
Sector Risk Profile 84% 65% 19% 12% 3% 2%
Statistical Data Return 78% 33% 45% 15% 4% 2%
Value for Money Reports 78% 35% 43% 17% 4% 2%
Overall 78% 41% 37% 17% 3% 2%

78% found RSH publications very or somewhat useful and only 5% found them not useful.

The Codes of Practice were the most useful (90% very or somewhat useful, of which 53% was very useful).

Publication Percentage of stakeholders who found it very useful or somewhat useful
Annual report 72%
Codes of Practice 90%
Consumer Regulation Review 84%
Fees Statement 54%
Global Accounts 66%
Quarterly Survey 75%
Regulating the Standards 89%
Regulatory judgements/notices 84%
Sector Risk Profile 84%
Statistical Data Return 78%
Value for Money reports 78%

Responses differed between stakeholder types, as would be expected given the different focus of stakeholders:

  • 97% of large PRPs found the Sector Risk Profile very or somewhat useful with 89% finding it very useful. Regulating the Standards (96%) and the Codes of Practice (94%) were also reported as somewhat or very useful by large PRPs.

  • 86% of small PRPs found the Codes of Practice very or somewhat useful.

  • 96% of LARPs found the Codes of Practice very or somewhat useful.

  • Only 35% of LARPs found the fees statement useful and 24% found the global accounts useful. These publications are predominantly about PRPs. A majority of LARPs were neutral about these publications (fees statement: 62%, global accounts: 72%).

  • Other stakeholders found the Codes of Practice (88%) and Regulatory judgements / notices (86%) most useful, but found the more financial and technical documents less useful. In each case there were more ‘other’ respondents reporting a neutral response rather than finding them not useful. For example, 40% of other respondents were neutral on the fees statement compared to just 5% who found it not useful.

Very or somewhat useful Large PRP Small PRP LARP Other
Annual Report 74% 65% 75% 79%
Codes of Practice 94% 86% 96% 88%
Consumer Regulation Review 92% 75% 86% 82%
Fees Statement 53% 60% 35% 54%
Global Accounts 88% 52% 24% 60%
Quarterly Survey 89% 61% 63% 76%
Regulating the Standards 96% 84% 93% 82%
Regulatory judgements / notices 90% 74% 92% 86%
Sector Risk Profile 97% 72% 73% 82%
Statistical Data Return 83% 71% 89% 77%
Value for money reports 87% 69% 78% 75%
Overall 86% 70% 74% 77%

Question 11: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the regulator takes action where possible to ensure that confidence in the sector is maintained, and access to finance on competitive terms continues?

Strongly agree 31%
Agree 48%
Neutral 17%
Disagree 3%
Strongly disagree 1%

Overall, 79% of stakeholders agreed with this statement and only 9% disagreed.

Five stakeholders (1%) strongly disagreed with this statement.

Question 11 by stakeholder group

Stakeholder group Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Small PRP 23 50 23 3 1
Large PRP 39 46 11 2 1
LARP 11 61 25 4 0
Other 34 43 14 6 3

Question 12:

Are you aware of the regulator’s proposed high-level approach to implementing the regulatory changes outlined in the Social Housing White Paper: The Charter for Social Housing Residents, which we set out in Our Principles and Approach?

Overall, 81% said that they are aware of the regulator’s proposed approach to implementing the regulatory changes outlined in the Social Housing White Paper.

Question 12 by stakeholder group

Stakeholder % Yes % Not Sure % No
Small PRP 64 14 22
Large PRP 99 1 0
LARP 93 4 4
Other 70 13 18
Overall 81 8 11

Question 13: How confident are you that the regulator will deliver the regulatory changes outlined in the Social Housing White Paper?

Overall, 76% of responders were very or somewhat confident that the regulator will deliver on the regulatory changes.

Seven (2%) responders were not at all confident.

Question 13 by stakeholder group

Stakeholder group % Very confident % Somewhat confident % Neutral % Not very confident % Overall
Small PRP 23 40 29 6 1
Large PRP 33 54 8 1 3
LARP 14 79 7 0 0
Other 32 39 14 15 0
Overall 28 48 16 6 2

Question 14: To what extent do you agree or disagree that the regulator takes appropriate action in line with its current remit in response to referrals where the regulator finds consumer standards have been breached and tenants, or potential tenants, have been at significant risk of serious detriment?

Strongly agree 25%
Agree 45%
Neutral 21 %
Disagree 7%
Strongly disagree 1%

Overall, 71% of stakeholders agreed with this statement.

Question 14 by stakeholder group

Stakeholder group % Strongly agree % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly agree
Small PRP 18 43 36 4 0
Large PRP 32 47 11 8 3
LARP 14 75 7 4 0
Other 30 37 22 10 1

Question 15: Which of the following do you find helpful in getting information about the requirements of our standards, publications and any other news?

Direct contact by letter or e-mail remains the communication method preferred by stakeholders (93% very or somewhat helpful).

Views were more mixed on social media, with only 35% finding Twitter or LinkedIn very or somewhat helpful and 6% finding this method of communication unhelpful.

Method Very or somewhat helpful
Letter/email 93%
Website information/alert 77%
Twitter/ LinkedIn 35%
Stakeholder event 73%
Trade press article/column 65%

Question 15 responses

Method Very helpful Somewhat helpful Neutral Not very helpful Unhelpful
Letter/email 67% 26% 5% 1% 0%
Website information/alert 37% 40% 16% 6% 1%
Twitter/LinkedIn 9% 26% 35% 23% 6%
Stakeholder event 39% 33% 22% 4% 1%
Trade press article/column 19% 46% 25% 7% 2%