
Rural England Prosperity Fund: interventions, objectives, outputs and outcomes summary for 2023 to 2025 (delivery)

Updated 27 March 2025

Applies to England

To access Rural Fund allocations, you must provide an additional information addendum to your UKSPF investment plan.

The addendum covers 3 areas.

  1. Local context - referencing the Fund’s investment priorities: supporting rural business and supporting rural communities.

  2. Interventions - select from a menu of options and explain how they respond to local context.

  3. Delivery - how and when you’ll deliver the interventions you’ve selected.

Each place has flexibility to invest in activities or ‘interventions’ that support rural businesses and rural communities. These are within the context of the Fund’s aims.

Interventions are split by investment priority. Each investment priority gives details of:

  • the interventions and objectives
  • indicative outputs and indicative outcomes
  • example projects

Review the interventions and identify activities that support Fund objectives in your area.

Investment priority 1: supporting rural businesses

Details of the objectives, outputs, outcomes and example projects for interventions under the supporting rural businesses investment priority.

Intervention 1.1: capital grant funding for small scale investment in micro and small enterprises in rural areas

This includes capital funding for net zero infrastructure for rural businesses, and diversification of farm businesses outside of agriculture to encourage starting up, expanding or scaling those businesses where this involves converting farm buildings to other commercial or business uses.


  1. Create jobs and boost community cohesion.
  2. Increase private sector investment in growth-enhancing activities, through targeted support for small and medium-sized businesses to:
    - undertake innovation
    - adopt productivity enhancing, energy efficient and low carbon technologies and techniques
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of businesses supported Jobs created
Number of farm businesses supported Jobs safeguarded
Number of farm diversification projects supported Number of new businesses created
Number of micro businesses supported Number of businesses adopting new to the firm technologies or processes
  Number of businesses with improved productivity
  Number of businesses experiencing growth

Example projects

  1. Creation and expansion of rural leisure and tourism businesses. For example:
    - creating event venues or farm tourism facilities such as accommodation, wedding venues and leisure facilities
    - provision of facilities for pet and equines such as kennels, livery and pet health venues.
  2. Funding for resilience infrastructure and nature-based solutions that protect local businesses and community areas from natural hazards including flooding and coastal erosion.
  3. Purchase of equipment for food processing for non-farmer-owned businesses. For example:
    - purchasing new process and packaging machinery such as brewing equipment and onsite vending machines
    - equipping development kitchens or modernising existing kitchen equipment for increased energy efficiency or increased productivity through automation.

Support for farmer-owned businesses is available under the Farming Investment Fund (FIF).

Intervention 1.2: capital grant funding for growing the local social economy and supporting innovation

This includes:

  • community businesses
  • cooperatives
  • social enterprises
  • research and development sites

This intervention corresponds to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) intervention E26.


  1. Create jobs and boost community cohesion. From capital grant support for starting businesses to visible improvements to local retail, hospitality and leisure sector facilities.
  2. Enhance rural visitor economy and rural leisure opportunities.
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of businesses supported Jobs created
Number of farm businesses supported Jobs safeguarded
Number of farm diversification projects supported Number of new businesses created
Number of micro businesses supported Number of businesses adopting new to the firm technologies or processes
  Number of businesses with improved productivity
  Number of businesses increasing their export capability

Example projects

  1. Creation of multi-functional rural business hubs providing shared workspace and networking opportunities for rural businesses. For example:
    - flexible access to commercial kitchens
    - co-working spaces
    - business infrastructure such as broadband and electric vehicle (EV) charging points

  2. Capital grants to enable the establishment of rural community businesses. For example:
    - provision of premises for community-owned shops
    - equipment to support the showcasing of local food and drink products such as regional information display boards

Intervention 1.3: capital grant funding for developing and promoting the visitor economy

This includes development and promotion (both trade and consumer) of:

  • local attractions
  • trails
  • tourism products more generally

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E17.


  1. Create jobs and boost community cohesion.
  2. Enhance rural visitor economy and rural leisure opportunities.
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of businesses supported Jobs created
Number of visitor experiences supported Jobs safeguarded
Number of farm businesses supported Number of new businesses created
Number of micro businesses supported Number of businesses increasing their turnover

Example projects

  1. Development of local visitor trails and infrastructure to support this, such as:
    - information boards
    - visitor centres

  2. Grants for the development of local tourist attractions.

  3. Development of local visitor experiences based on the local offer.

Investment priority 2: supporting rural communities

Details of the objectives, outputs, outcomes and example projects for interventions under the supporting rural communities investment priority.

Intervention 2.1: capital grant funding for investment and support for digital infrastructure for local community facilities

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E15.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging, through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of organisations receiving grants Jobs created
Number of facilities supported, created, or installed Jobs safeguarded
  Increased users of facilities or amenities
  Improved perception of facility or infrastructure project
  Improved perception of facilities or amenities

Example projects

Capital grants for provision of gigabit capable digital infrastructure at rural hubs for community use. For example:

  • village halls
  • pubs
  • post offices

Projects must align with the government’s Project Gigabit programme.

Intervention 2.2: capital grant funding for investment in capacity building and infrastructure support for local civil society and community groups

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E11.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of EV charging points Improved perception of facilities or amenities
Number of visitors or locals using charging points Increased users of facilities or amenities
Number of community energy projects funded Improved perceived or experienced accessibility
  Number of new businesses created

Example projects

  1. Capital grants for provision of net zero infrastructure for rural communities and to support rural tourism activity. For example:
    - EV charging points
    - community energy schemes such as scaled up biomass, heat pumps or solar

  2. Capital grants for kitchens in community hubs which are capable of supporting food and drink entrepreneurs get accreditation for food production.

  3. Funding for resilience infrastructure and nature-based solutions that protect local businesses and community areas from natural hazards including flooding and coastal erosion.

Intervention 2.3: capital grant funding for creation and improvements to local rural green spaces

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E3.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Amount of rehabilitated land or premises Increased footfall
Square metres (m2) of land made wheelchair accessible or step free Increased visitor numbers
Amount of public realm created or improved Increased use of cycleways or paths
Number of facilities supported or created Jobs created
Amount of green or blue space created or improved Improved perception of facilities or amenities
  Increased users of facilities or amenities
  Improved perceived or experienced accessibility

Example projects

Capital grants to establish or enhance rural green and blue infrastructure, including:

  • community gardens
  • green spaces
  • watercourses and embankments
  • greening of streets and paths
  • incorporating natural features into wider public spaces

Intervention 2.4: capital grant funding for existing cultural, historic and heritage institutions that make up the local cultural heritage offer

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E4.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure
  • heritage assets
  • local green space
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of organisations receiving financial support other than grants Increased footfall
Number of organisations receiving grants Increased visitor numbers
Number of tourism, culture or heritage assets created or improved Increased use of cycleways or paths
Amount of green or blue space created or improved Jobs created
Amount of land or premises supported Improved perception of facilities or amenities
m2 of land made wheelchair accessible or step free Increased users of facilities or amenities
Number of facilities supported or created Improved perceived or experienced accessibility

Example projects

  1. Capital grants to develop, restore or refurbish local natural, cultural and heritage assets and sites.

  2. Improving visitor experience and accessibility of these assets. For example, by providing capital grants to:
    - create wheelchair accessible and step free access that goes beyond statutory requirements
    - provision of all terrain wheelchairs allowing access to new areas of sites

Intervention 2.5: capital grant funding for local arts, cultural, heritage and creative activities

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E6.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of potential entrepreneurs provided assistance to be business ready Jobs created
Number of organisations receiving grants Jobs safeguarded
Number of local events or activities supported Increased footfall
  Increased visitor numbers
  Improved engagement numbers
  Improved perception of facilities or amenities
  Number of community-led arts, cultural, heritage and creative programmes as a result of support
  Improved perception of events

Example projects

  1. Funding for provision of maker spaces.

  2. Funding for local art galleries, museums, or libraries for altering premises or providing spaces for exhibitions to support displays for artists to showcase work.

  3. Capital grants to enable cultural, heritage and creative events and provision of venues for locally-led music and theatre performances, tours, author events and film screenings.

Intervention 2.6: capital grant funding for active travel enhancements in the local area

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E7.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Amount of new or improved cycleways or paths Increased use of cycleways or paths
Number of facilities supported or created Improved perception of facilities or amenities
Amount of green or blue space created or improved  

Example projects

  1. Creation of new footpaths and cycle paths, particularly in areas of health need.

  2. Upgrading of existing footpaths and cycle paths, particularly in areas of health need.

Intervention 2.7: capital grant funding for rural circular economy projects


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of organisations receiving grants Improved engagement numbers
Number of people reached Improved perception of local facilities or amenities
  Number of community-led programmes as a result of support

Example projects

Capital grants to enable setting up or enhancing rural community-led repair cafes or mend workshops. This includes:

  • providing premises
  • tools or equipment to support this activity

Intervention 2.8: capital grant funding for impactful volunteering and social action projects to develop social and human capital in local places

This intervention corresponds to the UKSPF intervention E9.


Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and amenities. This includes:

  • community infrastructure and local green space
  • community-led projects
Indicative outputs Indicative outcomes
Number of organisations receiving grants Improved engagement numbers
Number of local events or activities supported Volunteering numbers as a result of support
Number of projects supported  

Example projects

Capital grants to enable people to develop volunteering and local social action projects. This includes:

  • purchase of equipment
  • improvements to premises to enable local volunteering groups, such as youth charities, carers groups or refugee support groups