Corporate report

Safety plan management targets 2023 to 2026

Published 9 July 2024

Applies to England

Target 1: navigational incidents


  • marine activities and risks will be regularly reviewed. Risks will be as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)

Measure of success:

  • there will be no major incidents, serious injuries or serious pollution because of a failure of the safety management system

Target 2: conservancy and hydrographic surveys


  • we will provide and maintain navigation aids
  • a triannual bathymetry survey will be carried out

Measure of success:

  • aids to navigation will meet the availability targets set by Trinity House
  • we will ensure that the port and approaches have an adequate plan of hydrographic surveys – these are undertaken in line with industry standards for hydrographic surveying
  • information about hydrographic surveys will be shared with UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO)

Target 3: pilotage service


  • provide a pilotage service

Measure of success:

  • no major incident because of pilot or Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) holder error

Target 4: training of marine personnel


  • to maintain staff training provision and revalidation of industry qualifications

Measure of success:

  • necessary training undertaken by all marine personnel

Target 5: liaison and consultation with port stakeholders


  • Rye Harbour advisory committee to meet at least 3 times per year
  • a continuous review of risk assessments by the committee

Measures of success:

  • there will be regular consultation about marine safety matters for new and existing activities
  • there will be committee oversight of operational risk assessments

Target 6: port marine safety code (PMSC) and designated person provision


  • there will be an independent annual audit of the Marine Safety Management System

Measure of success:

  • we will be compliant with the requirements of the PMSC
  • observations and corrections will be carried out in a timely manner

Target 7: legislation and powers


  • will we carry out an annual review of legislation and powers

Measure of success:

  • the powers available to the Rye Harbour Authority will be appropriate and fit for purpose
  • there will be a legal review of local acts, orders and byelaws

Target 8: health and safety


  • we will comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • we will comply with The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

Measure of success:

  • we will adhere to the provision and use of work equipment regulations
  • we will appoint a LOLER responsible officer – all LOLER equipment will be maintained and inspected in accordance with the operational instruction

Target 9: marine procedures


  • maintain appropriate standard operating procedures

Measure of success:

  • procedures will be reviewed during the life of the plan, these will take into account any relevant changes in guidance and or legislation

Target 10: environment


  • maintain oil spill preparedness plan in accordance with regulations UK Statutory Instruments 1998 No. 1056
  • maintain Port Waste management Plan in accordance with regulations - the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Port Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations 2003

Measure of success:

  • the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (OPRC) plan will be revalidated by Maritime and Coastguard
    Agency (MCA) – and a continuous record will be maintained of training events
  • the Port Waste Management plan will be revalidated by the MCA. The plan ensures appropriate systems in place to deal with harbour waste