Safeguarding aerodromes, technical sites and military explosives storage areas
DfT/ODPM circular 1/2003 - advice to local planning authorities on safeguarding aerodromes and military explosives storage areas.
The town and country planning (safeguarded aerodromes, technical sites and military explosives storage areas) direction 2002 applies to military explosives storage areas in addition to aerodromes and technical sites. It came into effect on 10 February 2003.
The circular:
- provides details of the system of safeguarding
- lists the civil aerodromes which are officially safeguarded
- lists the local planning authority areas containing civil en-route technical sites for which separate official safeguarding maps have been issued
It replaced the town and country planning (aerodromes and technical sites) direction 1992, which was issued with Department of the Environment circular 2/92 (Welsh Office Circular 5/92).
A list of these civil en-route technical sites can be obtained from the NATS Group property department. A list of the currently safeguarded military aerodromes, technical sites and explosives storage areas can be obtained from Defence Estates.