Safeguarding Body Worn Video (BWV) Data
Understanding the types of data captured by Body Worn Video (BWV) devices and how to safeguard against loss.
This document provides a practical understanding on the wide range of information that Body Worn Video (BWV) devices are able to capture and what safeguards can be implemented to avoid losing this data.
Safeguarding BWV data requires far broader consideration than just encryption and thought should be given as to where the weakest security points are within the whole process. This starts with the BWV device itself and continues with the transfer of data and its storage as well as sharing with the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and in some cases the public. However it is crucial to consider the human element within this process especially with regard to training not only for users of these devices, but also for anyone involved with the handling or management of BWV data.
Overall a balance is required between implementing measures to safeguard BWV data and ensuring that the operational effectiveness of BWV is not compromised
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Published 11 November 2016Last updated 6 February 2017 + show all updates
Added 'Safeguarding Body Worn Video Data (online version)'.
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