Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter: August 2019
Updated 23 August 2019
The DIO runs a Twitter account for news and updates on the Salisbury Plain Training Area using the Twitter hashtag #modontheplain. This account now has over 6000 followers.
To follow go to Twitter DIO
Is there any such thing as a standard month on SPTA?
Wildfires is a hot topic at the moment (excuse the pun) and we remain compliant with the Natural Hazard Partnership and their Daily Hazard Assessments not only across SPTA, but also around the country. Apart from SPTA staff intervention with regards to lighting fires, we are also protected by the Byelaws, which prevents this type of activity. Due to the dry weather vehicles are producing vast amounts of dust when travelling on the plain, please drive with caution. August, has historically always been the month where the Cadet Associations saturate the military lands and camps, but the added disruption to their activities is the rollout of Ex Wessex Storm halfway through the month, which is a major exercise.
The Imber Bus will be operating Saturday 17 August 2019 and there will be an opportunity to visit St Giles Church, please remember to stick to the safety guidelines.
Imber opening times are Thursday 15 August 2019 6pm to Tuesday 20 August 2019 8am.
Please report all concerns to the Complaints Help Desk on 01980 620819 in the first instance.
There are 2 recent Defence Infrastructure Organisation blogs that relate to keeping safe whilst legally using the Military Lands on Salisbury Plain, please take the time to read them - the links can be found below:
How to risk your life on the military training estate
Six ridiculous excuses for risking your life on the training estate
Monthly firing calendar for August 2019 (subject to change)
Artillery live firing days from areas 6, 7 and 8 (east of Chitterne) | Nil |
Artillery live firing days on Salisbury plain (east) (north of Bulford & west of Tidworth) | Nil |
Late firing days on Larkhill/Westdown danger area (north of Larkhill) |
20 August |
22 August |
24 August |
25 August |
26 August |
27 August |
29 August |
Non-firing days on Larkhill/Westdown danger area |
1 August |
2 August |
3 August |
4 August |
5 August |
6 August |
7 August |
8 August |
9 August |
10 August |
11 August |
12 August |
13 August |
14 August |
15 August |
16 August |
17 August |
18 August |
31 August |
Non-firing days on Bulford fixed firing ranges |
9 August |
10 August |
11 August |
12 August |
13 August |
14 August |
15 August |
16 August |
17 August |
18 August |
19 August |
20 August |
21 August |
22 August |
23 August |
24 August |
25 August |
26 August |
Late firing days on Imber ranges, areas 1, 2, 3, 4 (east of Warminster) |
31 August |
Note: Range 2 in force throughout FTU Ex WESSEX STORM from 18 August 2019 to 20 September 2019.
Byelaw governance: antisocial behaviour
Parish members are encouraged to report all illegal activity on Salisbury Plain to the Wiltshire Police. If serious crime is experienced 999 should be dialled, and for all other reports including: illegal off-roading, illegal motor biking, drone use, poaching, hare coursing, petty theft, camping on MOD land, kite flying please call 101 and list the call as ‘antisocial behaviour’ and a byelaw violation. Once reported please inform range control on the Plainwatch number: 01980 674700 or email
Access to SPTA is regulated by Salisbury Plain Military Lands, Bulford, Larkhill and Imber Range Byelaws. Always comply with local signs and flags. Rights of way in Range Danger Areas are closed when red flags are flying.
This newsletter is published up to 6 weeks before the event and changes may occur. Access timings for the next week can be found on the SPTA Walks Line: (01980) 674763.
Note: MOD Police based here at Salisbury Plain have issued an official warning to a member of the public that was discovered in an Out of Bounds area of SPTA. This area was controlled by flags and signs.
Imber ranges
The public are excluded at all times, except when the roads are specifically opened. Planned opening dates for 2019 are as follows:
Serial | Day/Date/Time Roads Open | Day/Date/Time Roads Closed | Remarks |
01 | Weds/14 Aug 19/6pm | Tues/20 Aug/8am | Summer and Imber bus weekend |
02 | Fri/27 Dec 19/8am | Thurs/2 Jan 20/8am |
A leaflet on public access to Imber is available online and should be read in advance of any visit.
Dates may change if operational training needs dictate.
Lt Col Kevin Cammack MBE RA is now in post as the new Commandant of SPTA

Ministry of Defence Crown Copyright 2019.
Kev lives locally with his family and has done so for several years, he has served a little over 36 years in the army and has completed numerous operational tours all over the World. “I have just returned from a 9 month United Nations tour in the Democratic Republic of Congo, I’m delighted to be in post and I’m very much looking forward to the next 3 years”.
What can you do to reduce crime on Salisbury Plain?
There has been an increase of thefts from motor vehicles that have been left unattended on the training area. Owners are reminded not to leave valuables in plain sight. If any crime is taking place call 999, (or 101) and do not under any circumstances challenge the offenders.
Health and safety reminder for all military training areas and ranges:
- do not touch or tamper with military debris
- wash your hands before you eat
- clean your footwear before you enter your car or home