
Sample accessibility statement

Sample accessibility statement for a fictional public sector website or app, including sample wording and guidance on what to include.



Use this sample accessibility statement to help you write a statement for your own public sector website or mobile app. Some of the wording is legally required, so make sure you include that in your statement.

This sample statement is based on the model accessibility statement, which sets out what information you have to put in an accessibility statement - and our own research into what’s useful to disabled website users.

Publishing an accessibility statement is one of the things public sector organisations must do to meet the requirements of accessibility regulations.

Updates to this page

Published 17 May 2019
Last updated 30 September 2024 show all updates
  1. References to WCAG 2.1 have been removed

  2. Updated the section for the legally required way of expressing compliance status to clarify that one option is to be selected. Updated references to how to refer to the standard tested against to state WCAG 2.1 or 2.2.

  3. Updated sample accessibility statement to include options for new success criteria in WCAG 2.2.

  4. Updated sample statement in line with the EU model statement.

  5. Updated format for listing accessibility problems to provide greater clarity around achieving consistency with model required by EU. You now need to break up this section into subsections covering: what about your website doesn't comply with the regulations, what problems you've judged it would be a disproportionate burden to fix, and what issues because they're exempt from the regulations. You also need to explain which of the WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria the problems fail on.

  6. Added information on what to say if there aren't any accessibility issues with your website or app.

  7. First published.

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