
Save As You Earn (SAYE): end of year return template and guidance notes

Use the template or technical note to create your own template to tell HMRC of registered tax advantaged Save As You Earn (SAYE) options.


Save As You Earn: end of year template

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To complete your end of year template for Save As You Earn (SAYE) options either:

  • use HMRC’s end of year return template
  • create your own template using the technical note

Use the guidance notes to help you fill in specific sections of the template.

After completing your template, you can:

Updates to this page

Published 3 March 2015
Last updated 5 April 2023 show all updates
  1. The Save As You Earn: end of year template from 6 April 2023 has been added. The guidance and technical notes for on or before 5 April 2023 have been removed.

  2. The changes from 6 April 2023 Save As You Earn: guidance notes and Save As You Earn: Technical note have been added.

  3. Save As You Earn: Technical note has been updated.

  4. Save As You Earn: Technical note has been added to the page.

  5. First published.

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