
Safety, health, environment and fire principles (archived 21 June 2016)

Updated 21 June 2016

This guidance was withdrawn on

For latest information from SCE please visit the Service Children’s Education page.

0.1 This content is no longer current and was archived on 21 June 2016.

For latest information from SCE please visit the Service Children’s Education page.

The SCE safety management system (SMS) has been developed in accordance with the following principles:

  1. the health and safety of staff, students and others are to be protected by implementing systems of work that minimise risks to health and safety

  2. health and safety duties, and the necessary authority and resources to discharge them, are delegated down the line management structure but responsibility remains with the person making the delegation

  3. those to whom health and safety duties have been delegated are accountable for ensuring that they are effectively discharged and, where this is not possible, for ensuring that work is not initiated or, where it is in progress, is suspended

  4. not withstanding the above, members of staff, students and contractors are individually responsible for taking all reasonable precautions to ensure their own health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions

  5. the risks of all activities which may affect the health and safety of staff, students and others are to be assessed and appropriate control measures implemented

  6. there must be effective arrangements for representation, consultation and communication with staff and students on health and safety matters

  7. staff, students and others affected by SCE activities must be provided with appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure they can achieve the level of competence necessary to work in a safe and healthy manner

  8. appropriate health and safety performance standards are to be set

  9. procedures are to be documented to provide for effective communication and for the monitoring of change

  10. Regulation and compliance are to be based on systematic and regular audit, inspection and review