School and college panel: omnibus surveys for 2021 to 2022
Findings from regular surveys with school and college teachers and leaders.
Applies to England
The school and college panel is a regular online survey which gathers views from senior leaders, classroom teachers and tutors in state-funded primary and secondary schools and colleges.
The survey covers a wide range of topics relating to the Department for Education’s (DfE) aims, priorities and policies. Topics covered include:
- staff wellbeing
- pupil behaviour
- education recovery
- staff absence
- teacher training
- pupil safeguarding
- special educational needs and disability (SEND)
The survey data tables are available on request at
Updates to this page
Added school and college panel reports for May and June 2022. Updated the technical report to cover the whole 2021 to 2022 academic year.
Technical report updated to include the data for the March 2022 fieldwork wave.
Added 'School and college panel: March 2022 wave'.
Added the 'School and college panel: February 2022 wave' and the 'School and college panel: technical report May 2022'.
First published.