School-led tutoring grant 2021 to 2022
How schools and academy trusts should plan and deliver the national tutoring programme's school-led tutoring to help pupils catch up on missed learning.
This guidance is for:
- school and academy trust leaders
- school and academy trust staff
- governing bodies
It applies to state-funded schools and academy trusts with pupils eligible for pupil premium.
It covers school-led tutoring:
- eligibility
- planning and organising tutoring (including how to support pupils and select tutors)
- quality assurance
- funding
- accountability
Eligible state-funded schools and academy trusts will receive a ring-fenced grant to source their own tutoring provision for the 2021 to 2022 academic year.
Further guidance is available in the conditions of grant.
School-led tutoring is 1 of 3 subsidised tutoring options that are available through the national tutoring programme. The national tutoring programme supports disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils from year 1 to 11 to catch up on missed education due to COVID-19.
Updates to this page
Updated 'School-led tutoring: guidance for local authorities and independent special schools' with the new deadline of Friday 9 September 2022 to report the receipt and transfer of funds.
Updated 'School-led tutoring for looked-after children: guidance for local authorities and virtual school heads' with information about increased May 2022 allocations, optional summer provision and year-end statement deadlines.
Updated the 'School-led tutoring' guidance to clarify that additional funding is for schools to deliver tuition within the 2021 to 2022 academic year.
Added 'School-led tutoring: guidance for local authorities and independent special schools'.
Updated the 'School-led tutoring guidance' document.
Added 'School-led tutoring for looked after children: guidance for local authorities and virtual school heads'.
Amended to reflect up to date policy on accountability and recovering overpayments, and delivery of training.
First published.