School-to-school support fund: terms of use
Updated 10 February 2021
October 2015
- The school-to-school support fund will be allocated and paid to schools according to existing arrangements under National College for Teaching and Leadership’s (NCTL) collaborative fund.
- Grants will be issued to the teaching school or national leader of education (NLE) accountable for the outcomes of the deployment in the supported schools.
- Any system leader who is accountable for the funding and outcomes that is not already signed up to the collaborative fund must do so before any funding can be released.
- Teaching schools in receipt of a grant will be expected to manage conversations and negotiations with appropriate system leaders concerning outcomes of the deployment and milestones. It’s important to agree these terms before work commences.
- It may be agreed between all parties that part of each grant should remain with the teaching school to cover costs associated with co-ordinating the deployments and ensuring maximum impact. In such cases, please note: a) no more than 5% of each grant should be kept by the teaching school b) teaching schools will be expected to report to NCTL on the full use of the grant, including how any such ‘kept back’ funding has added value
- Teaching schools and NLEs (or LLEs) in receipt of funding must ensure the funding is used to conduct deployments in accordance with the NLE (or LLE) conditions of designation.
- Grant funding should be used to pay for cover arrangements and associated costs for the headteacher and staff time out of the teaching school or national support school.
- NLEs may use funds from the NLE bursary to pay for due diligence activity for deployments funded through the school-to-school support fund. These costs should be accounted for in the NCTL collaborative fund evaluation process.
- If the designation status of the NLE or teaching school changes whilst in receipt of the school-to-school support fund the NLE or teaching school should contact NCTL to discuss transition arrangements for the deployment(s) for which they are accountable.
- Grant funding should not be used on marketing, ICT, or on independent consultancy.
- Grant funding should not be used for activity directly associated with academy transition as separate funding streams exist for this purpose.
- NCTL will request an evaluation of the use of the grant as part of the standard collaborative fund annual evaluation in summer 2016.