Schools in Wales: how to create a ULN
Information for schools in Wales on how to create a ULN
Applies to England and Wales
Schools in Wales
The Unique Learner Number (ULN) service was made available to schools in Wales from January 2012.
This service is for maintained secondary schools creating ULNs (via DEWi) for all pupils aged 14+ , using learner data submitted in pupil level annual census (PLASC) returns.
The PLASC data is submitted to the Learning Records Service (LRS) to create ULNs for all pupils that are aged 14+ and in years 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
We will not be submitting data for learners in year 9. Please refer to the updated ULN timetable for schools.
- the ULN service will be available to all maintained secondary schools and to those special schools that have confirmed to the welsh government (WG) ULN Team (via NWASSH or SWASSH) they wish to participate
- the data will be submitted to the LRS on a school-by-school basis as the PLASC returns are received and approved by the WG school statistics team
- the ULN service uses the PLASC system to inform schools that ULN files have been generated on their behalf
All secondary schools in Wales that have not already done so must check that their details are correct on the UK Register of Learning Providers and register with the LRS so that they are able to access the LRS organisation portal to resolve ‘exceptions’. Some schools have yet to complete the registration process with the LRS.
- special schools that wish to participate should also register with the LRS as soon as possible following the same process as mainstream maintained schools in Wales.
Getting a ULN for schools in Wales
Information about ULNs is available from the Learning Records Service.
Pupil Referral Units will not be included in this data upload, although dual registered pupils will be allocated ULNs for their mainstream school.
Privacy Notice
All secondary schools must let their pupils aged 14+ read the ‘Privacy Notice’ as soon as possible. The privacy notice should have been revised by the local authority to incorporate the intention to issue ULNs and create Personal Learning Records (PLR), using this template.
Schools will also need to record any individual’s choice to ‘opt out’ of data sharing.
We will be communicating further information about the process to schools through the local authorities. In the meantime, please make sure that all secondary schools in your local authority area have registered with the LRS. If they have not already registered they should do so now.
Please raise any issues or technical problems with your management information software or with DEWi through your usual support channels
Read this page in Welsh
Links to resources and documentation
Additional information and guidance material is available from the Welsh Government website
Contact information
LRS helpdesk or call 0845 602 2589
UK Provider Register (external link) or call 0845 202 1600
For any other information, email the LRS or call 0787 655 4839