
SCID screening evaluation: crib sheet for blood spot takers

To support conversations between blood sample takers and parents offered screening for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) for their baby.

Applies to England



Screening for SCID is being offered in some parts of England as part of an evaluation. It is not yet available for all newborn babies in England.

The crib sheet aims to support blood sample takers and includes information about:

  • the SCID screening evaluation
  • SCID suspected results
  • what happens with babies born before 37 weeks
  • areas offering BCG
  • movers in and out

A limited number of free printed copies are available to order on the Screening print ordering portal. (Search for ‘SCID02’).

It is the personal choice of parents and carers whether or not their baby has screening for SCID. Refer to the SCID parent information during discussions.

Blood spot takers should complete the SCID e-learning module before talking to parents and carers about screening for SCID.

Contact the screening helpdesk with any queries about this publication, making sure you include its full title.

Updates to this page

Published 11 August 2021
Last updated 8 April 2022 show all updates
  1. Added a new section titled 'SCID screening: research into parents' views and experiences'.

  2. Updated information about the SCID evaluation.

  3. First published.

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