Searches of the index of proprietors’ names (PG74)
Find out who can search against the name of an owner of land or registered mortgages and how to do it (practice guide 74).
Applies to England and Wales
This guide gives details of how to make a search of the index of proprietors’ names. It is aimed at solicitors and other legal advisers and you should interpret references to ‘you’ accordingly.
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Updates to this page
The HM Land Registry fees in section 4 have changed as a result of the Land Registration Fee Order 2024.
Sections 3.1 and 3.2 have been amended to clarify acceptance of searches against multiple names of corporations aggregate, including by email.
Minor amendments have been made for clarification.
The guide has been amended to accommodate the introduction of email lodgement of certain PN1 applications and to update references to data protection legislation.
Sections 5.1 and 5.2 have been amended as a result of a change of office name from Wales Office to Swansea Office.
We can no longer accept faxed applications for PN1 searches. Section 3 has been amended accordingly.
Link to the advice we offer added.
Welsh version added.
First published.