Seasonal flu vaccination: who should have it and why (2013)
Winter 2013 to 2014 version of this annual flu vaccination leaflet.
This leaflet explains how you can protect yourself against flu this coming winter, and why it’s very important that people who are at increased risk from flu have their free flu vaccination every year.
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Published 5 September 2011Last updated 28 October 2013 + show all updates
Uploaded an updated version of the leaflet. Updates include: Page 7, second heading, change ‘flu jab’ to ‘one’ to read: 'Do I need another one this year?' Page 9, second para, last line, to read ‘…vaccine, or any of its ingredients, in the past.' Page 10, first question, add new last sentence after ‘ …very rare.’: 'Children having the nasal vaccine may get a headache, a runny or blocked nose, and may experience general tiredness and some loss of appetite.'
Updated with winter 2013 to 2014 leaflet. Transferred from immunisation document series to annual flu programme series.
First published.