Emergency application to use a neonicotinoid insecticide addendum
Emergency authorisation for use of a neonicotinoid insecticide on oilseed rape: addendum covering the period 27 June 2014 to 7 July 2014.
Applies to England
Neonicotinoid insecticide - EIRs emergency application for the authorisation of a neonicotinoid insecticide on oilseed rape: addendum - communications between Defra and Syngenta covering the period 27 June 2014 to 7 July 2014.
Updates to this page
Published 14 October 2014Last updated 16 October 2014 + show all updates
Amendments to title, summary and body text to clarify this is all part of 1, and not 2, emergency applications.
First published.