Marine Electro-Technology Written Examination Syllabus
Published 6 May 2014
1. Electric and electronic components
1.1 Understands the physical construction and characteristics of basic components
- Compares the characteristics of conductors, semi-conductors and insulators in terms of the Electron Theory.
- Defines the basic quantities of electricity, eg charge, current, emf, potential difference, energy and power.
- Describes resistance, inductance and capacitance in terms of physical dimensions and materials.
- Solves numerical problems relating R, L and C to their physical parameters.
- Appreciates how temperature affects conductors, semi-conductors and insulators.
- Defines temperature coefficient of resistance at 0°C (αο) and also at a stated temperature (αt).
- Calculates change in conductor resistance using the temperature coefficients in 1.1.6.
- Draws and labels the principal parts of a lead acid cell.
- Describes (without using chemical formulae) the action of charge and discharge on the components of the cell.
- Explains how the state of charge of a lead acid cell may be measured using a hydrometer.
- Draws and labels the principal parts of an alkaline cell, Nickel iron or nickel cadmium.
- Explains how the state of charge may be assessed for alkaline cells.
- Compares lead acid and alkaline cells on the basis of:
- voltage per cell;
- performance under poor conditions of charge/discharge;
- retention of charge;
- effect of temperature;
- mechanical strength;
- weight;
- cost.
- States that the capacity of a battery is measured in ampere hours at a given rate.
- Solves problems on efficiency of batteries in terms of ampere-hours and watt-hours.
- Solves problems involving batteries in series and in parallel combinations including internal resistance and current in a connected load.
- Draws a simple charging circuit from a dc supply.
- Measures the state of charge of a battery before and after carrying out the charging procedure.
- States the two common types of semi conductor material as germanium and silicon.
- Explains the formation of ‘p’ type and ‘n’ type semi conductor materials referring to the doping process.
- Draws a p-n junction in forward and reverse bias modes and indicates electron flow and conventional current flow in the junction and in the external circuit.
- Obtains the static characteristic curves for forward and reverse biasing of the pn junction from test results.
- States the need for rectification of alternating voltages.
- Explains and draws circuit diagrams to show how rectification of an ac single phase supply is obtained using:
- one diode;
- two diodes and centre tapped transformer; and
- bridge connected diodes.
- Draws the input and output waveforms for the rectifier circuits in 1.1.24.
- Explains the formation of a pnp and npn alloy junction transistor.
- Draws a circuit diagram showing pnp and npn transistors connected in the common emitter mode.
- Draws and explains a circuit diagram illustrating the use of a transistor as a switch.
- Draws and explains a circuit diagram illustrating the use of a transistor as an alternating small signal amplifier.
- Describes the photo-electric effect and its application to photo-diodes.
- State some marine applications of 1.1.28 and 1.1.30.
2. Electric circuit principles
2.1 Understands the operation of simple linear dc and ac electrical circuits and solves related problems
- States Ohms Law.
- Solves problems on 2.1.1.
- States Kirchhoffs Current Law.
- States Kirchhoffs Voltage Law.
- Describes a series circuit configuration using a variety of components and finds the equivalent resistance.
- Describes a parallel circuit configuration using a variety of components and finds the equivalent resistance.
- Solves problems on series/parallel circuits.
- Solves problems on power and energy in dc resistive circuits.
- Solves problems using Kirchhoffs laws by application of simultaneous equations (two unknowns only).
- Explains the principle of the Wheatstone bridge and derives the balance equation.
- Solves problems related to 2.1.10.
- Defines an alternating emf in terms of its maximum value, rms level, periodic time, frequency and its time equation.
- States that e = E MAX sin 2reft volts.
- Explains that the resultant current will also be sinusoidal and represented by i = I MAX sin 21-rft amperes.
- Solves problems related to 2.1.13 and 2.1.14.
- Draws the wave forms for above and indicates peak value; peak to peak value; periodic time; frequency.
- Explains terms, mean value, rms value and form factor with reference to a sine wave.
- Calculates the rms value, mean value and form factor of sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal wave forms.
- Explains the term phasor quantity.
- Explains how phasors may be used to represent sinusoidal quantities.
- Solves graphical problems involving addition and subtraction of ac voltages and currents using phasor method.
- Sketches the current, voltage and power waveform patterns of a pure:
- resistor;
- inductor;
- capacitor; when connected to a sinusoidal supply.
- Draws phasor diagrams for pure resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits and distinguishes between in phase, lagging and leading currents.
- Defines and calculates inductive reactance and capacitive reactance.
- Constructs and uses phasor diagrams for R-L, R-C and R-L-C series circuits.
- Sketches and uses impedance triangles for the series circuits in 2.1.25.
- Defines phase angle and active and reactive components.
- Resolves phasor quantities into active, and reactive components eg I cos 0 and I sin 0.
- Solves circuit problems using circuit elements connected as in 2.1.28.
- Constructs a diagram in terms of active power, apparent power and reactive power.
- Defines power factor as the ratio of active power to apparent power.
- Solves problems related to 2.1.30 and 2.1.31.
- Measures and notes value of V, I and P in an R-C and R-L series ac circuit.
- Draws a phasor diagram from the results in 2.1.33 and calculates the power factor and capacitance/inductance of the circuit.
3. Electromagnetism
3.1 Understands the principles of magnetism and electromagnetic induction
- Explains the terms magnetic polarity, magnetic field, magnetic flux, magnetic flux density.
- States that a current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field.
- Draws the magnetic field pattern for a straight conductor, loop and a solenoid carrying current.
- Determines the polarity of fields in 3.1.3 using corkscrew rule, right-hand gripping rule, end rule as appropriate.
- Explains the terms magnetomotive force and magnetic field strength.
- Explains the effect of introducing a magnetic material into a magnetic field.
- States the units of flux and flux density.
- Explains the use of magnetic screening.
- Explains the term reluctance and states the advantages and disadvantages of leaving air gaps in magnetic circuits.
- States that S = F/Φ.
- Explains the terms:
- absolute permeability;
- permeability of free space;
- relative permeability.
- States that B = μομrH and explains that μr is not a constant.
- Draws the B-H curve for a non magnetic material.
- Draws the B-H curve for a typical ferromagnetic material.
- States that different ferromagnetic materials will give different B-H curves.
- Solves problems on simple non composite magnetic circuits to include the use of graphs.
- Solves problems on composite magnetic circuits (to include air gap) and the effect of fringing and leakage.
- States that a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field has a force exerted on it.
- Determines the direction of the force in 3.1.18.
- States that the magnitude of the force is given by F = BIl newton and F = ma newton.
- Solves problems related to 3.1.20.
- States that the ampere is defined on the basis of the force between two current carrying conductors.
- States Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
- States Lenz’s Law.
- States that the magnitude of the emf induced in a coil is determined by:
- the number of turns;
- the rate of change of flux cutting the coil and e = NΔΦ/Δtvolts.
- Explains that other factors, principally the material of the coil core, also determine the value of induced emf.
- Solves problems related to 3.1.25.
- States that an emf can be self induced in a coil.
- States that e = LΔi/Δt volts.
- Defines the unit of self inductance.
- States that L = N(ΔΦ/ΔI); and L = N2/S.
- Solves problems related to 3.1.29, 3.1.31.
- Shows that the energy stored in the magnetic field of a current carrying coil is given by 1/2(L2) joules.
- States that changing magnetic flux emanating from one circuit can induce an emf in another.
- States that the effect in 3.1.34 is called mutual inductance.
- Defines the unit of mutual inductance.
- States that the emf of mutual inductance is given by e = M(Δi/Δt) and M = k√L1L2.
- States examples of mutual inductance effect eg transformer, engine ignition coil.
- Solves problems related to 3.1.37.
- States that a conductor moved in and at right angles to a magnetic field will have an emf induced between its ends and determines its direction.
- States that the magnitude of the emf will be determined by E = Blv volts.
- Solves problems related to 3.1.41.
4. Electrical machines
4.1 Understands the principles and applications of dc and ac motors and generators
- States that:
- motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy;
- generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
- Explains using simple sketches the action of a single loop dc generator and motor.
- Describes the function of a commutator.
- Labels on a given diagram the essential parts of a dc machine.
- Sketch circuits for shunt, series and compound wound dc machines.
- Relates the emf induced in the armature of a dc generator to the expression E = (2ZΦn)ρ/A volts.
- Solves problems related to 4.1.6.
- Solves dc generator circuit problems using V = E - IARA.
- Obtains the load characteristics of shunt and compound dc generators.
- Relates the ‘back emf’ (Eb) induced in the armature of a dc motor to the expression Eb = (2ZΦn)ρ/A volts.
- Solves dc motor circuit problems using V = Eb + IaRa.
- Explains the need for starting resistance for a dc motor.
- Explains the method of speed control for a dc motor using variation of armature voltage and field methods.
- Explains that for a dc machine EαΦn and EαIaΦ.
- Solves problems using E1/E2 = Φ1/Φ2 x n1/n2 and T1/T2 = Ia1/Ia2 x Φ1/Φ2.
- Recognises the power losses which occur in dc machines.
- Obtains the load characteristics (T/Ia) of shunt, series and compound dc motors.
- Explains the basic operation of an ac generator.
- Labels on a given diagram the essential parts of a 3 phase, ac generator of both salient and cylindrical rotor construction.
- Explains how to safely synchronise an incoming 3 phase ac generator to live busbars using lamps and/or synchroscope and voltmeters.
- Obtains the load characteristics of a 3 phase ac generator under various power factor conditions.
- Explains the basic principle of operation of the 3 phase single cage ac induction motor.
- Describes with sketches the construction of the 3 phase single cage ac induction motor.
- Obtains the load characteristic (T/n) of a 3 phase ac single cage induction motor.
- States typical marine applications for the motors in 4.1.17 and 4.1.23 and generators.