Sector-based work academy programme: employer guide
How Jobcentre Plus can help employers fill their vacancies more efficiently through sector-based work academies.
The sector-based work academy programme is designed to help meet employers’ immediate and future recruitment needs as well as to recruit a workforce with the right skills to sustain and grow their business.
A sector-based work academy can last up to 6 weeks and has 3 main components:
- pre-employment training – relevant to the needs of the business and sector
- a work experience placement – of great benefit to both the individual and a business
- a guaranteed job interview
Sector-based work academies are available in Scotland funded through the Scottish government or other partner organisations. Similar support is available through the Welsh government’s ‘Employability Skills Programme’ for claimants in Wales.
Updates to this page
Guidance updated with name change to 'sector-based work academy programme' and changes made throughout to reflect this change to the programme.
Removed outdated PDF attachments and added a new HTML guide on sector-based work academies for employers.
Updated Sector-based work academies contact details
First published.