Sector Guidance Note S5.06: recovery and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
Advice on indicative standards of operation and environmental performance for industrial sectors.
Operators of waste activities that need permits must meet the requirements of:
- S5.06
- clinical waste guidance S5.07
- waste treatments BREF
These are the initial points for defining appropriate measures and best available techniques (BAT).
New waste installations and new or replacement plant at existing waste installations must use BAT and meet associated emission limits from the date they are first permitted.
BAT and associated emission limits are set out in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1147 on the European IPPC Bureau website.
For existing waste installations, operators will need to make sure that the BAT conclusions are met in full by August 2022.
Updates to this page
Operators of waste activities that need permits must meet the requirements of S5.06, clinical waste guidance S5.07 and the waste treatments BREF.
Page updated: New waste installations and new or replacement plant at existing waste installations must use best available techniques (BAT) and meet associated emission limits from the date they are first permitted. In all other cases the Environment Agency will work with the operators of existing waste installations to ensure that the BAT conclusions are met in full by August 2022.
First published.