Home Office response to the Security Industry Authority: Public Body Review 2025
Published 17 March 2025
It is important to regularly review our Arm’s Length Bodies to make sure that we are collectively delivering efficiently and effectively for the public. Accordingly, the Home Office welcomes this review and its findings.
In particular, the Department was pleased to see the review found that:
- the SIA is a well-run organisation with a Board, Executive and staff committed to improving public security.
- there are strong and positive relationships between the SIA and both policy and corporate components of sponsorship at the Home Office.
- the SIA is well placed to achieve at least 5% efficiency savings over three years by implementing the recommendations of this review; and
- the functions of the SIA should continue to be delivered by the SIA in its current form as a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB), albeit with the efficiency recommendations and improvements outlined in this report.
The Home Office accepts, in full, the single recommendation directed at it (Recommendation 10) and has already taken steps to deliver it. For example, we have already adopted the Cabinet Office’s ALB Sponsorship Code of Good Practice, which sets out the Government’s strategy for public bodies and articulates the characteristics of good departmental sponsorship, which includes the provision of an annual chair’s letter from the responsible minister.
It should be noted that this review was completed prior to the SIA being announced as the regulator for Martyn’s Law on 12 September 2024. As such, the SIA (supported by the Home Office where appropriate) will consider how best to implement the recommendations outlined in the light of this new function.