Impact assessment

Self Assessment Helpline - revised service offer from December 2023 to January 2024

Published 29 January 2024

Project objectives

Around two-thirds of calls to the Self Assessment helpline are routine or simple enquiries which can be resolved online using our digital services, tools and guidance.

Previously when a customer called with a simple routine query they were connected to an adviser. This year from 11 December 2023 to 31 January 2024 the Self Assessment helpline and the Agent Dedicated Line will only take calls about tax returns, payments and repayments.

The objectives are to:

  • direct more customers to self-serve online because it will be quicker and easier for them and it will allow us to prioritise and focus more of our phone support on those with complex queries and those who need extra support

  • provide clear information to customers and stakeholders so they know what to do and how to resolve their query online, and how to access extra support if they need it


We have applied learning from the Self Assessment Helpline trial which ran from 12 June to 4 September 2023 by allocating additional resources to webchat and to the Online Services Helpdesk to support this approach.

Vulnerable and digitally excluded customers will be given an alternative number to call and will be triaged by the Online Services Helpdesk and routed directly through to an adviser as normal.

In the lead up to Self Assessment peak, we are clearing workloads such as online rejections, amendments, cessations, and registrations so we have more customers up to date or removed from our systems. This will reduce contact and help mitigate demand.

We forecast being able to serve more customers who are in most need of phone support during the peak. For customers signposted to an online solution, they will get the help and support they need much more quickly, avoiding the risk of a long wait or being cut off.

Customer groups affected

  • Self Assessment customers who are self-employed
  • Self Assessment customers who are not self-employed
  • Tax agents
  • Partners in a business partnership
  • Child Benefit claimants who earn over £50,000 a year

What customers needed to do

What customers needed to do as a result of the change

There is no change for customers calling with a tax return, payment or repayment query. Customers calling about one of these will hear messages signposting them to online services, and they’ll receive a text if calling from a mobile phone about how to resolve their query online. These customers can continue to hold to speak to an adviser.

Customers not calling with one of these priority reasons and who have a simple query that can be dealt with easily online will be signposted to digital solutions. They’ll hear a recorded message that’s tailored to their call reason and if they call from a mobile phone they’ll be sent a text message taking them directly to the information they need. Their call will be disconnected after hearing the messages and receiving the text. Customers who need extra support because they have a disability, mental health condition or personal circumstances that means they need specialist help will be signposted to the Online Services Helpdesk where they can get help.

Where the call reason is not clear or if the customer has multiple queries then they will hear recorded messages signposting them to online services including webchat. They will also receive a text message if calling from a mobile phone taking them to online guidance and tools. If the customer stays on hold they will be put through to an adviser who will assess whether they need adviser support. If they don’t then they will be referred to online services and their call will be disconnected so the adviser can deal with priority calls.

How customers will access this service

Customers will be signposted to information during their call where they will hear messages directing them to online services, such as GOV.UK, their Personal Tax Account, the digital assistant and HMRC app. Customers calling from a mobile phone will receive a text message taking them directly to the information they need.

When customers need to do this

From 11 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

Assessing the impact

Before the scheme started, we assessed the equality impacts on all the protected characteristic groups in line with the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty and section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act:

  • racial groups
  • disabled and not disabled
  • sex
  • gender reassignment
  • sexual orientation
  • age
  • religion or belief
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • people with dependents and those without
  • political opinion (for Northern Ireland only)
  • people who use different languages (Including Welsh Language and British Sign Language)

There is no evidence to suggest any specific impacts on those customers within any of the protected characteristic groups (listed above).

The following equality impacts were identified:

Racial groups

Impact on customers

Customers with language barriers may be impacted, along with some international customers who are unable to access digital services.

Proposed mitigation

There is no change for customers calling with a tax return, payment or repayment query. Customers calling with one of these queries will be put through to an adviser.

Customers not calling with one of these reasons will be able to access the services of a tax agent and voluntary and community sector organisation who can help them. Customers can also ask friends and family to support them in using our online services.


Impact on customers

The following customers may be impacted:

  • digitally excluded customers who do not have access to digital devices or who cannot use online services
  • those with a mental health condition, learning disability and/or physical disability who may not be able to access or use online services or who need further signposting to HMRC’s Extra Support Service

Proposed mitigation

There is no change for customers calling with a tax return, payment or repayment query. Customers calling with one of these queries will put through to an adviser.

Customers who send a paper tax return have an earlier deadline of 31 October 2023. Changes to the helpline were introduced after the paper deadline. Paper filers who have a payment query can use the helpline as normal.

Customers that can digitally serve and do not need assistance will be expected to use online services, the HMRC app, webchat and the digital assistant.

Callers who need specialist extra support and are unable to use online services will be given an alternative number to contact where they can get help from an adviser.

Customers can access the services of a tax agent and voluntary and community sector organisation who can help them. They can also ask friends and family to support them in using online services.

Customers with hearing impairments can use a text relay service, Relay UK, provided by BT.

Customers who are unable to project their voice when calling are routed to an option menu where they can use the keypad to select options.

Recorded messages and texts are checked to ensure they are clear, easy to understand and follow.

Bereaved customers will continue to be served as normal by the Bereavement Team and can speak to an adviser.


Impact on customers

Older customers who cannot use digital devices or use online services may be impacted.

Proposed mitigation

There is no change for customers calling with a tax return, payment or repayment query. Customers calling with one of these queries will be put through to an adviser.

Customers can access the services of a tax agent and voluntary and community sector organisation who can help them. They can also ask friends and family to support them in using our online services.

If the customer needs extra support, then they’ll be given an alternative number to call for the Online Services Helpdesk who will be able to support them.

Religion or belief

Impact on customers

Some customers may not be able to use digital services due to their religious beliefs.

Proposed mitigation

There is no change for customers calling with a tax return, payment or repayment query. Customers calling with one of these queries will be put through to an adviser.

If the customer needs extra support,then they’ll be given an alternative number to call for the Online Services Helpdesk who can support them.

People who use different languages (including Welsh language and British Sign Language)

Impact on customers

There may be an impact on customers who cannot understand or read English in text messages.

Proposed mitigation

There is no change for customers calling with a tax return, payment or repayment query. Customers calling with one of these queries will be put through to an adviser.

Friends and family, along with voluntary and community sector organisations will be able to support customers with language barriers. Customers who need extra support will be able to get specialist help by contacting the Online Services Helpdesk, or contact the Extra Support Team directly using webchat. Webchat will be supported by ‘The big word’ interpretation services as part of our normal service, including British Sign Language if needed.

Opportunities to promote equalities

We have considered opportunities to promote equalities and good relations between people in each of the protected characteristic groups and those outside of that group.

None have been identified.

A full equality impact assessment is not recommended.