Tax and National Insurance for MPs and Ministers (SA102MPM1)
Find information about tax and National Insurance contributions for MPs and ministers.
This guide gives advice about tax and National Insurance Contributions for MP’s and ministers.
Related forms and guidance
Self Assessment: Parliament (SA102MP)
Use supplementary pages SA102MP to record employment income on your SA100 Tax Return if you’re an MP or minister.
Updates to this page
Added translation
A new updated version of Self Assessment: tax and National Insurance contributions guide for MPs and ministers (SA102MPM1) has been added.
The Self Assessment: tax and National Insurance contributions guide for MPs and ministers (SA102MPM1) has been updated to confirm how you can contact HMRC's Public Department (PD1) and the section on Private Residence Relief confirms that the final 9 months of ownership is always treated as if you had occupied it as your only or main residence.
The Self Assessment: tax and National Insurance contributions guide for MPs and ministers (SA102MPM1) has been updated.
An updated version of the guidance has been added.
Helpbook SA102MPM1 - a tax and National Insurance contributions guide for MPs and ministers - has been updated.
First published.