Policy paper

Annex B: organisations consulted

Published 27 May 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government


  • UK Medicines Information
  • The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
  • British Generic Manufacturers Association
  • Ethical Medicines Industry Group


  • General Pharmaceutical Council
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society
  • Company Chemists Association
  • Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee
  • National Pharmacy Association


  • Royal College of Physicians
  • British Medical Association
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  • General Medical Council
  • Royal College of General Practitioners

Patient groups

  • National Voices
  • Patients Association

Text of invitation sent to stakeholders

“Dear colleagues,

As part of the regulations implementing serious shortage protocols (SSPs), the Department of Health and Social Care committed to producing a review of the policy after one year after the implementation of the first protocol, as set out in the explanatory memorandum to the regulations:

Industry respondents favoured a time-limited introduction of the provision for a serious shortage protocol. In response to both concerns, a review clause has been included requiring a review of the serious shortage protocol as soon as is reasonably practical after the end of one year after the first such protocol starts to have effect. This will look at, specifically, any adverse consequences for either the market in prescription only medicines or patient safety. A stakeholder consultation will be conducted as part of the review. The department will continue to work closely with suppliers to mitigate the impact of shortages on patients including on the consideration of introducing a serious shortage protocol.

The first protocols were issued in October 2019 and therefore we are now undertaking the required review of the policy and the consultation.

As key stakeholders we are seeking your input to the consultation. In particular, we would be grateful for your responses to the following questions:

Have you had, or been made aware of by colleagues or stakeholders, any concerns about the impact of the serious shortage protocols issued over the past year on the prescription-only medicines market?

Have you had, or been made aware of by colleagues or stakeholders, any concerns about the impact of the serious shortage protocols issued over the past year on patient safety?

Please note that the final report will be published on GOV.UK and copies will be placed in the libraries of both Houses of Parliament. Any responses to this consultation specifically referenced in the report will be listed by organisation – the names of individual responders will not be published in the report.

We would be grateful if you could provide any responses, or nil responses, to us by no later than 24 November 2020.”

Stakeholders were also sent a copy of the table included at annex A.