SFA capital funding: CCIF round 7
How to apply to the college capital investment fund round 7.
The CCIF provides capital grant support for modernising and rationalising FE college estate for the benefit of learners and supporting economic growth.
Colleges must submit a detailed application for the whole project (as opposed to parts/phases of the project), which formed the basis of their expression of interest application, in order apply to the CCIF.
Colleges should complete the cost breaksdown analysis form with their application to assess the costs of the project.
Only colleges that have an approved round 6 expression of interest are able to submit a detailed application in Round 7. The deadline for applications is 1pm on 4 March 2014.
Paragraph 4.6 of the CCIF round 7 detailed application guidance refers to cost models. The cost model documents give breakdowns of typical capital costs for new build and refurbishment in the further education sector. Colleges are free to use either cost model when completing the building cost breakdown analysis form.
Colleges should complete the capital investment appraisal template with their application to the Agency to assess the financial viability of the project and also refer to the 2013 financial planning template and handbook .
The monthly expenditure profile captures the college’s or training organisation’s monthly forecasted spend for the project profile. It is used to determine how much grant the Agency will give the college on a monthly basis.