SFA capital funding: further education college condition fund
Available for applications from FE colleges with more than 20% of their estates in poor condition.
Applies to England
All colleges listed in Annex 1 of the application guidance are eligible to request college condition fund (CCF) allocations.
Tiers for colleges
There are three tiers for eligible colleges:
- tier 1: colleges with 50% or more of estate in condition categories C and D
- tier 2: colleges with 33%-49%
- tier 3: colleges with 20% to 32%
Please contact Agency Relationship Teams to confirm which tier applies to individual colleges.
The allocation amounts for the individual tiers are as follows:
- tier 1 - £540,000
- tier 2 - £520,000
- tier 3 - £500,000
If colleges feel that they are in the wrong tier or not included in any tier, they can submit a funding request form stating the case for eligibilty.
Guidance and request form
Instructions on how to submit an application are included in the application guidance document.
Eligible colleges should submit a completed request form together with relevant supporting information by close of business on the 14 March 2014.
Financial plan
Eligible colleges are required to contribute twice the allocated amount to an appropriate set of works; where they cannot afford to do this they will need to complete a financial plan and submit this with the request form.
The Agency’s finance and relationship teams will review the supporting information to confirm whether a reduced match is agreed.
Please note that it is not requisite that the college principal signs the cover page for the financial plan. The signature included in the application form will be taken as endorsing all supplementary documentation.
Monthly expenditure profile
Eligible colleges should also submit a monthly expenditure profile with the request form. This captures the college’s monthly forecasted spend for the project profile. It is used to determine how much grant the Agency will give the college on a monthly basis.
Colleges need to confirm as part of their application that expenditure of the grant will have started during or before March 2014 and be complete by September 2014. Where colleges can confirm this in their request form, there is no requirement to provide a detailed expenditure profile.