
English and maths - QCF qualifications

Published 4 June 2014

This guidance was withdrawn on

This document only applies to the changes in the 2015 to 2016 funding year.

1. English and maths qualifications review

We notified you in January 2014 of our intention to undertake a review of the new suite of English and maths QCF qualifications. The review was commissioned in response to the rapid increase in the number of new QCF English and maths qualifications. We were concerned to understand the nature and operation of the new qualifications, their content and assessment approaches, uptake by learners and the extent to which they are being used by providers to support progression.

The review is now completed, and following consideration of the findings, we intend to introduce for 2014 to 2015, business rules, which these qualifications will need to meet if they are to be approved for funding for 2014 to 2015.

These rules will mean that QCF English and maths qualifications are no longer automatically approved for funding and will result in the removal of funding for some of these qualifications. This will help ensure that the current QCF English and maths offer is more focussed and streamlined.

As set out in Getting the Job Done - Qualifications Reform Plan (March 2014), the Government is keen to support progression towards GCSE as the single gold standard for English and maths. These changes are in line with that goal, and we will continue to assess the role of these qualifications in that regard.

2. Feedback from the Review of English and maths QCF Qualifications

The review was undertaken by NFER during January to March 2014. Although the researchers found there is evidence that the qualifications enable bite-sized and targeted learning leading to achievement for entry level learners who may have never previously achieved, there are issues with these qualifications:

  • the lack of comparability of credit value/content/outcomes and size across all the QCF maths and English units and qualifications
  • the use of different assessment methods to assess similar content at a similar level across the different awarding organisations, and whether they place equal demand on the learner and have the same degree of quality control from one awarding organisation to another
  • potential market place saturation with the number and range of qualifications available, creating confusion amongst those delivering the qualifications and those responsible for admissions
  • concern that not all of the qualifications will support meaningful progression for the learner.

3. New business rules

Three new rules are to be applied to English and maths QCF qualifications:

1 - Size

QCF English and maths qualifications will only be approved for funding if they are of the following size:

  • at entry and level 1 - 3 credits or more (Awards and Certificates)

  • at level 2 - 13 credits or more (Certificates)

This rule will streamline the number of qualifications we fund, retaining small Awards which are helpful to engage and support lower level English and maths and learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, but removing less meaningful very small Awards. It will also ensure that there are substantial qualifications available at level 2 and this should prevent learners simply collecting small qualifications without progression taking place.

It is important to note that the opportunity to undertake units of approved QCF English and maths qualifications remains available to all learners so that smaller steps of learning and achievement can continue.

2 - Recognition

QCF English and maths qualifications will only be approved for funding if the awarding organisation provides evidence of demand from 5 providers on our Register of Training Organisations who have a current contract to deliver. This will need to be in the form of letters of support. We will expect each provider to confirm demand for at least 50 publicly funded learners.

3 - Assessment

Qualifications at level 2 will be subject to awarding organisation set assessment and not internally assessed portfolios of evidence.

The rule will give us further assurance of the qualification’s fitness for purpose and enable better alignment of these qualifications with Functional Skills at level 2 and current GCSEs. This will also provide us with assurance around the comparability of quality and standards and help to refocus the offer as robust ‘stepping stones’ to established English and maths qualifications at level 2, particularly GCSE.

The new business rules will be confirmed in the updated version of our Technical Guidance for Awarding Organisations, which is due to be published in early June.