SFA funding allocations to training providers: 2014 to 2015
Funding values for colleges, training organisations, local authorities and employers with a contract for 2014 to 2015.
Applies to England
2014 to 2015 final funding year values (as at December 2015)
The information sets out the total amount of funding that has been paid to colleges, training organisations and employers (providers) and compares this to what was delivered.
The information includes:
- adult skills budget, including additional learner support and discretionary learner support
- community learning
- 16 to18 apprenticeships and SFA-funded 16 to 18 traineeships
- offenders’ learning and skills service
- advanced learner loans bursary
In 2014 to 2015 all providers and employers delivering adult skills provision were funded for their delivery up to the value of their allocation and for all good quality apprenticeship delivery. The SFA operated performance management arrangements to increase allocations during the year to meet the demand from employers for high-quality apprenticeships and traineeships.
Allocation / contract values data 2014 to 2015
The funding year contract values provide maximum contract value information for colleges, training organisations and employers that have a contract for 2014 to 2015. It excludes contract values where these are not finalised. These allocation/contract values are subject to the performance management arrangements set out in the Operational Performance Management Rules 2014 to 2015.
We will publish this information annually, before the start of the contract year. We will update it throughout the year, following the performance management points and final claim submissions.
The updated 2014 to 2015 funding year contract values published:
- contract values before the start of the contract year (July 2014)
- following the SFA’s performance-management point 1 review (January 2015)
- following the SFA’s performance-management point 2 review (April 2015)
- following the SFA’s performance-management point 3 review (July 2015).
For further information, please contact your Central Delivery Service adviser.
Geographic delivery data 2014 to 2015
To support colleges and training organisations in discussion with local government authorities in future Adult Education Budget (AEB) commissioning discussions we have published the geographic delivery data for 2014 to 2015. We have based the data on learners’ postcodes and it relates to non-apprenticeship Adult Skills Budget (ASB) delivery in the 2014 to 2015 funding year.
Updates to this page
Added link to geographic delivery data 2014 to 2015 page.
Added 2014 to 2015 final funding year values (as at December 2015).
Updated allocation values for 2014 to 2015 as at July 2015.
Updated 2014 to 2015 funding year contract values.
The updated 2014 to 2015 funding year contract values are being published following the Agency’s performance-management point 1 review.
First published.