
Update: issue 347 (22 February 2017)

Updated 22 February 2017

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. SFA Update has been replaced by ESFA Update.

Applies to England

1. Closing soon - adult education budget (AEB) procurement


The competitive procurement exercise for the adult education budget closes at 5pm on Monday 27 February 2017. The procurement is open to all eligible providers on the register of training organisations.

If you are an independent training provider holding an existing contract and you choose not to tender, or fail to secure funds through the procurement, we will offer you a new contract applying the threshold facility. This will be a run-down contract and for one year only. As a condition of this offer, you must prioritise learners that want to continue from the 2016 to 2017 funding year, into the 2017 to 2018 funding year.

Please submit your application before the deadline as we cannot accept late submissions.

2. New funding monitoring reports published


We have published the new suite of funding monitoring reports on the Hub to support the funding rules monitoring plan for the funding year 2016 to 2017.

Please review these reports to ensure your data is recorded accurately. The funding monitoring reports user guide explains how to access the reports and correct your data if required.

A letter to the sector from Dawn Ward CBE, chair of our data and management information advisory group, outlines the process.

For further information, please contact your business operations provider manager.

3. Apprenticeship reforms: proposal to withdraw fourth batch of frameworks


We are asking for feedback on the withdrawal of the fourth batch of apprenticeship frameworks. The proposal is now open, and will close at 5pm on 5 April 2017.

The frameworks included in this proposal have replacement apprenticeship standards that cover the same occupations. We expect the replacement standards to be ready for delivery by 1 April 2018. The proposed last date for new starts on these frameworks is 31 March 2018.

You can provide feedback through our online survey.

For further information, refer to the removal of apprenticeship frameworks page on GOV.UK or contact the service desk.

4. National Careers Week 2017 – get involved


National Careers Week (NCW) starts on 6 March 2017. The NCW website has a page of resources to help you celebrate your careers work. These include ideas for PR, social media and events.

Please share this with your communications and marketing teams and use the hashtag #NCW2017 in your own communications.