
Sharma, Alok - President for COP26 - ACOBA Advice

Advice to The Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma KCMG MP, former President for COP26, 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, on business appointments after leaving Crown Service



The Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma KCMG MP left his role as President for COP26 in November 2022.

Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford

Sir Alok sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with the University of Oxford. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in April 2024; and the appointment was taken up in May 2024. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

Senior Advisor, EQT AB

Sir Alok sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with EQT. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in February 2024; and the appointment was taken up in March 2024. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

Advisor, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Publ (SEB)

Sir Alok sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with SEB. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in August 2023; and the appointment was taken up in September 2023. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

Speaker, Chartwell Speakers

Sir Alok sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Chartwell Speakers. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in May 2023; and the appointment was taken up later that month. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

Climate and Finance Fellow, The Rockefeller Foundation

Sir Alok sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with The Rockefeller Foundation. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in May 2023; and the appointment was taken up later that month. An accessible version of the letter is available here.

Updates to this page

Published 27 June 2023
Last updated 11 June 2024 show all updates
  1. Appointment with the University of Oxford added

  2. Appointment with EQT AB added

  3. Appointment with Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Publ (SEB) added.

  4. First published.

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