SIA Board meeting, 23 July 2020
Read the minutes of the SIA Board meeting held on 23 July 2020.
Meeting attendees
Authority members:
- Elizabeth France, Chair
- David Horncastle
- Ian McKay
- Trevor Reaney
- Kate Bright
- Alec Wood
Executive directors:
- Ian Todd, Chief Executive
- Stephen McCormick, Director, Operations & Standards
- Michelle Russell, Director, Partnerships & Interventions
Also in attendance:
- Caroline Shanklyn, Joint Head of Arm’s Length Body Sponsorship, Home Office
- Jamie Hunt, Deputy Director, Legal Services
- Alero Harrison, Deputy Director, Communications & Stakeholder Engagement
- Kevin Barretto, Acting Deputy Director, Finance & Business Planning
- Rachael White, Senior Manager, Operations Support
- Tony Holyland, Head of Quality & Standards
- Holly Brogden-Knight, Board Secretary
- Anca Comsa, Executive Assistant, Chief Executive & Board