FOI release

SIA response to a FOI request about licence application rejections

Published 3 June 2024


I am reaching out to enquire about the process for obtaining a right-to-reply in the event of any information being released regarding common reasons for licence application rejections. This would allow individuals or groups potentially impacted by the investigation to respond publicly.

Additionally, I am interested in any publicly available information you could share regarding the following:

  • statistics or data on the most common reasons for SIA licence application rejections
  • general information on the appeals process for rejected applications, including steps applicants can take to improve their chances on appeal
  • any publicly available resources or guidance documents that may be helpful for potential applicants

An interview with a relevant SIA representative involved in processing applications, appeals, or someone with expertise in licence approval criteria would be incredibly valuable to my investigation (if such an opportunity is available).

I understand that privacy concerns may limit the disclosure of specific details regarding individual applications. However, any general information the SIA can provide would be greatly appreciated.


I can confirm that the SIA does hold this information. A response to each section provided below.

Statistics or data on the most common reasons for SIA licence application rejections

The table below sets out the most common reasons, by category, for SIA licence application refusals over the last 2 financial years (2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024).

Offence category Number of licences refused
Violent/abusive behaviour 988
Right to work 883
Drug offences 614
Dishonesty (theft and fraud)/proceeds of crime 445
Offensive weapons/firearms offences 222
Criminal damage 166
Sexual offences 83

You can read more about how we categorise relevant offences on pages 44-46 and 63-94 of our licensing criteria, Get Licensed, which is a public document: SIA: Get Licensed

Specific reasons for refusing an individual’s licence application will be set out in each individual refusal letter, sent only to the applicant.

General information on the appeals process for rejected applications, including steps applicants can take to improve their chances on appeal; any publicly available resources or guidance documents that may be helpful for potential applicants

For our appeals process when licence applications are refused, please read pages 47 - 52 of Get Licensed.

For further information on how we assess criminal records, please read pages 27 - 42.

The following information page is also available on our website: If we refuse your application for an SIA licence

An interview with a relevant SIA representative involved in processing applications, appeals, or someone with expertise in licence approval criteria would be incredibly valuable to my investigation (if such an opportunity is available)

I am aware that you have sent in various queries to the SIA’s Communications department who have responded and provided you with answers and commentary related to this question.

[Ref: FOI 0503]