SIN Japan assists first ESRC-JST Joint Call for £3m on AI and Society
With SIN Japan’s help, the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) and Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) of the UK and Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) have agreed to launch a joint call on AI and Society in May 2019 to explore the impact AI technologies may have on society and the economy.
In December 2017, SIN Japan organised for then Acting Chief Executive of ESRC to visit Japan and meet with Japanese funding agencies, ministries and universities to explore potential collaborative opportunities. One of the common priority areas identified was AI, specifically how the increasing prevalence of AI is generating a range of economic, cultural and social challenges and opportunities. After further work, this has led to two significant programmes: First, ESRC and AHRC successfully secured £2m funding to improve the connectivity between UK and Japanese SSH research communities through networking grants. Second, ESRC, AHRC and JST have agreed to launch their first ever joint call in May 2019, with combined total funding of over £3m to explore the impact of AI technologies on society and the economy.